Cops Guide: Speed Enforcement 101

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Welcome to the guide for showing you guys (In my opinion) the best ways to enforce traffic laws and how to do it! I've attached some Puush pictures that you can see some of the areas.

  • Camera, you can buy one from Ragnatech.
  • The Police Job.
  • Basic knowledge of the map.
  • A partner is always good.
1. Getting peoples speed

First of all you'll need to purchase a Camera from Ragnatech which is located near the fast food joint near the tunnel.


Once you've got your camera, simply left click the car as if you're taking a photo of it.


2. Catching the filthy speeders!

The next thing is to now get into action and get these speeders. I'll list some good places to pull over and wait for speeders below.


Here is a great place to pull in. This is just after you pass car dealer, you can park the Police Car somewhere in here and get out and get the camera out. The speed is 35 MPH here and people are always going down here at top speed.



There are 2 bays like this on the highway after you pass the tunnel. The speed limits here are 80 MPH so again, this is a great place to get people going way over they should be.



This is behind the Suburban District. The speed limit is also 35 MPH and everyone decides to be cheeky and go as fast as they can round here. It's a good place to enforce this is there is usually a lot of pedestrians in the Subs that are at risk of being ran over.



There is also a nice place just after you drive past the Road Crews Depot which is a 15 MPH!


When you actually get the speed, it will take a Steam Screenshot, so the best thing to do is when a car which is speeding goes past, take more than one picture. If the driver says he wasn't speeding, then upload it and show it to him for proof. (The reason why you need to take more than one picture is that the screenshot takes the picture before it displays the speed)

3. Issuing the punishments

People committing speeding offences should usually be fined for the offence. When you've pulled the person over, try and get a reason for it, they might have a good explanation for the speeding so just hear them out.

​Remember, if the vehicle fails to pull over you can get them for 'Failing to yield to an emergency vehicle' and possibly 'Reckless driving' any of these would warrant an arrest.

Things to remember:

People do make mistakes, if they're honest with you and say they were just being stupid and they admit that it was immature, just let them go. Then, if you catch them again you can always ticket them. Remember, it's all about practical policing!


Thanks for reading and I hope this helps!
Nice idea but speeding is always against the laws...
Also only false parking and small violations of the speed limit should result in ticketing, recless driving etc should end in jail time for the suspect (+a ticket of course).
Also some tips for stopping a speeding car would be helpful.
Feel free to contact me if you need help.
Menta said:
Nice idea but speeding is always against the laws...
Also only false parking and small violations of the speed limit should result in ticketing, recless driving etc should end in jail time for the suspect (+a ticket of course).
Also some tips for stopping a speeding car would be helpful.
Feel free to contact me if you need help.
What do you mean it is always against the law, did I say it's not somewhere? Didn't proof read it properly C:
Menta;n17489 said:
Nice idea but speeding is always against the laws...
Also only false parking and small violations of the speed limit should result in ticketing, recless driving etc should end in jail time for the suspect (+a ticket of course).
Also some tips for stopping a speeding car would be helpful.

Leave some space between you and the vehicle infront of you also make sure you park with a 45 degrees angle so you got a little bit of cover if it comes to a shootout. Better would be if you patrol with a partner so you got a officer making sure that he doesnt jump out with a gun while you are at your vehicle checking the licenses etc.
Menta said:
Nice idea but speeding is always against the laws...
Also only false parking and small violations of the speed limit should result in ticketing, recless driving etc should end in jail time for the suspect (+a ticket of course).
Also some tips for stopping a speeding car would be helpful.
Feel free to contact me if you need help.
"they might have a good explanation for the speeding so just hear them out" i am talking about that
Sgt.James said:
Menta;n17489 said:
Nice idea but speeding is always against the laws...
Also only false parking and small violations of the speed limit should result in ticketing, recless driving etc should end in jail time for the suspect (+a ticket of course).
Also some tips for stopping a speeding car would be helpful.

Leave some space between you and the vehicle infront of you also make sure you park with a 45 degrees angle so you got a little bit of cover if it comes to a shootout. Better would be if you patrol with a partner so you got a officer making sure that he doesnt jump out with a gun while you are at your vehicle checking the licenses etc.
That's why you make sure the people in the vehicle remain int he vehicle, which is always a good idea.
Menta said:
Nice idea but speeding is always against the laws...
Also only false parking and small violations of the speed limit should result in ticketing, recless driving etc should end in jail time for the suspect (+a ticket of course).
Also some tips for stopping a speeding car would be helpful.
Feel free to contact me if you need help.
Oh right, I'm talking about an emergency like maybe trying to get help. It's still illegal but I'm saying if it's to get help by Police or Medical.
Twitty said:
Shouldnt have a partner with you takes up more cops XD
Mhm, most traffic stops I like a partner as they sometimes turn quite violent. But I see your point.
Twitty said:
Shouldnt have a partner with you takes up more cops XD
no a partner is fine, not realy neaded as speed enforcer but of course as normal cop
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