Cops/Supervisors can get better weapons.

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United States
Topic: Cops any get some better weapons

Short explanation (in notes):
- If there are no SWAT police officers/Sgts/Lts. will be able to get better weaponry.
- Sgts/Lts. Can get guns like Shotguns or Assult rifles.
- Police Officers can only get pistols (Other than the M9/Glock 20) and maybe shotguns/rifles in there are no Sgts/Lts. online.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): So I have been in many situation where no Sgts/Lts. are on aswell with no SWAT and a raid is going on with Andii Millhimer growing drugs. And Its 6 (Being the basers) and 4 (Being the cops) and i deem it unfair for all of the basers to have Sako's,AK's and M14s, While all of the cop newbs get M9's and me with a Glock 20. Where we all die out not even getting past the front door due to wall banging. This will allow for more action and possibly less whining to both side if this was added.

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Topic: Cops any get some better weapons

Short explanation (in notes):
- If there are no SWAT police officers/Sgts/Lts. will be able to get better weaponry.
- Sgts/Lts. Can get guns like Shotguns or Assult rifles.
- Police Officers can only get pistols (Other than the M9/Glock 20) and maybe shotguns/rifles in there are no Sgts/Lts. online.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): So I have been in many situation where no Sgts/Lts. are on aswell with no SWAT and a raid is going on with Andii Millhimer growing drugs. And Its 6 (Being the basers) and 4 (Being the cops) and i deem it unfair for all of the basers to have Sako's,AK's and M14s, While all of the cop newbs get M9's and me with a Glock 20. Where we all die out not even getting past the front door due to wall banging. This will allow for more action and possibly less whining to both side if this was added.

Optional additions:

I dont think that they should get better weapons if no Swat or Sgt/Lts but i think that they should get more armor if there are no Swats or Sgt/Lts.
Here's the most basic response to this idea. Sergeants and lieutenants position does not make them a more armed person to conduct raids. If anything they should be sitting back or instructing from a safe distance. If they die, then that's when police raids go exceptionally bad.

If you have to say its due to how one person is during a raid, I'd suggest you take more time to strategize as how to enter and safely extract than charge in with guns ablazing on both sides.

Overall I don't see how this helps, and if anything... Slaps a big "shoot me first" sign onto those officers.
You say its unfair 6v4 but those 4 have body armour, the ability to be healed on the spot (provided there's a medic) as well as near enough unlimited ammo as they just have to go back to the armoury. Yes they may have an advantage over you, but what about when there's 10 cops and 4 swat online. Does this mean we have to give the criminals an advantage?. As stated 4 well coordinated officers can easily dead with 6 people camping in an apartment. Having a Berretta or a M4 makes no difference if you're going to die the same way.

Also sure something similar to this had been requested and denied before. However not 100% sure.
Can be closed I guess, since Senior Police Officers+ will have high calibre weapons and shotguns in their trunks.

(/me still expects a old rating train)
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