[CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

614 confirmed infections here, it's daily rising with 100+ infections. I haven't been to school the past week due to all teachers calling in sick; due to a new measure telling people with symptoms to stay home.
Schools still open in Finland, the goverment held a meeting and no schools right now will be closed.

Really scared tho because my mom is a flight attendant and has been in 5 different countries the past 3 weeks. And nobody has ordered any quarantine.
The virus itself has been made scary by the media, it isn't that bad of a virus and it is basically just a flu. Yeah, it is deadly in combination with other diseases or conditions but that makes sense, regular flu is also deadly in combination with certain conditions.

In the Netherlands they have decided to cancel all events etc with 100+ people so the virus doesn't spread any further. They decided to keep schools open.
About ~600 people have been infected.

I myself believe it has potential to become an actual pandemic as I do currently not believe it is a pandemic, no matter what WHO says. It isn't as deadly as the media portrays it and it is also not even dangerous if you are a healthy person. I have nothing to worry about. That being said doesn't mean I am not afraid of it as both my parents are not in a good condition right now, if they were to get the virus I don't think they'll be able to survive very long. My mom has had heart issues her whole life and my dad was recently in a car accident, my step dad (basically my 2nd dad to me) has asthma so it is also deadly for him. So yes, I am worried about it spreading further to infect people I love, and yes, I do also believe it has potential to mutate into something more aggressive, but I am not the type of person to isolate himself from the whole world. I will listen to the advice the government gives me, but that's it.
Norwegian government decided to shut down everything except the infrastructure (hospitals, water, all that shit), restaurants and supermarkeds. My tests and exams have been postponed and it doesn't seem like I'm going to school for a while. Training centers are also closed so I can't workout. Great.
Can you still order online? Order a pull up bar for in your door frame and some dumbells and ur gucci

You can do most exercises at home without special equipment
councle of ministers decided to only request unis to provide courses over the internet and cancelled events with more than 100+ attendees.

My tiny school holds 850 people and will continue so that's, nice...
Parliament is fuming and want schools to close so there's still hope!
Ministers of Belgium are closing all schools and cancelling all lessons. If needed children can go to school for daycare if parants are unable to do so.
@Sneaky all schools, bars, restaurants are closing starting on Saturday. Schools need to provide daycare tho if parents aren’t able to