[CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

maybe because they actually give enough of a shit unlike the government here lol
@Zoephix closing all restaurants and bars as well. Every recreative public or private place needs to be closed as well. Life needed supply stores stay open as usual, others close in weekends.
All restaurants, cafes and all stores except from food stores and pharmacies are forced to close aswell now in Belgium
@curak Well they're at least taking measures in your country, it has less infections than here yet they are taking more drastic measures. Here we only have measures like stay home if you have symptoms, don't shake hands, work at home if it's possible.
@curak our government is in shambles because they disagree with the PM on the course of action, our school might shut down on their own tho
the real miracle would be having you and your parents stand up from the wheelchairs for the first time
The real question is who is really the virus? People who have been destroying the planet for the past 1000 years, or the virus, which is only affecting us. Corona is the cure, not the virus :)