[CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

It's even worse here

apparently the virus attacks countries with ugly languages more viciously
as far as i know merkel said that germany cant afford a second lockdown, im surprised we havent gotten any sort of announcement so far because this growth is as exponential as it gets, i was on the fence about renewing anything gym related because i was so sure they were gonna shut down again
a second lockdown will fuck my generation and my kids generation with taxes, I'm already surprised we got the MwsT lowered
The first few pages of this thread aged well...

In all seriousness, it seems like most of the world is starting to finally get this thing under control. Unfortunately, America is still harbouring loads of vaccines and vaccination rates in America are slowing down despite a majority of the population remaining unvaccinated.

In California, we're sitting at around 1k ~ 3k cases a day with high testing rates so I'm rather confident that the numbers aren't being underreported. Additionally, CA has 40 million people so 3k cases at most is very low and absolutely safe.
I've already had both of my biontech shots and vaccination is open with no appointment necessary for anyone 16+ which is great. However again vaccination rates are slowing which could lead to another unfortunate rebound come Winter 2021.

Despite all the unfortunate events this past year, life has become as normal as it ever will for the foreseeable future. I still wear a mask and am cautious, but the vaccine provides so much protection I have no issue eating indoors, taking a flight, or being around other people. This isn't to say that this is what all of America is like though. About 40% of people in America have said that they will not, by personal preference, get the vaccine. The antivaxx movement is a whole topic in itself but I think this number speaks for itself.
With corona, absolute catastrophe has been somewhat avoided, but if another endemic disease that far outshines corona hits the world, we're pretty much all doomed.

If you want to see info about your country and locality, these two sites have pretty solid info for most places w/ sources.
It’s just a pure hysteria. Of course we have to be a bit more careful, but in general it’s less bad than the normal flu.
We need to be watchful of it, but the absolute state of panic that some countries are in is a bit of a stretch.
I think it's going way over proportion and gets overexaggerated. Obviously need to be aware of it, but so many other things is way more dangerous.
It is serious, however, it is being blown out of proportion.
Really shouldn't be worried about this tbh.

The first few pages of this thread aged well...
Like a fine milk.

I haven't really minded the lockdown in all honesty. Sure, I wanted to see my friends all of last year and get outside in general. However, it's been great for my school life and the fact that I've been forced to stay at home has been great validation for my PERP addiction.

I've come out as a real winner at the end of this lockdown but I know that lots of people haven't and I hold my heart out to anyone that's lost anyone or has in another way been severely affected (besides being stuck inside, join the line!).