[CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?



When some Chinaman eating a dodgy bat kills more British people than the entire Luftwaffe of the Nazi war Machine, and still has some leftover for seconds.

Gosh everyone was so wrong a few months ago, we were all naïve. I see my post about 40 new cases and I'm like wow I thought that was big news. Now we're at 288k+

Step up your game Germany
Dude idk why everyone’s complaining about masks I’ve been wearing them in public since I started robbing grannies, it’s not hard at all.
On the bright side of all of this, with the statistics we currently have, 40% of tested cases are asymptotic. If you take into account the millions of unconfirmed cases you can easily look at a number somewhere around 50 - 60 % or even higher. When looking at the actual scale of this outbreak from a biological point of view, it is actually insane, and we have truly never seen anything like this, and may never see anything like this again.