Costello's Corner

Reaction score
Tim Meijer's no.1 fan.


Costello corner is basically the Jeremy Kyle of perp, you come to Costello corner with your problems and ask for help/advice.
At Costello's corner we aim to give the customer a warm and welcome vibe, and i always make sure they feel relaxed and comfortable before we start.
there is a $500 charge per consultation but if i cannot find a solution to the problem it will be refunded. (note every one who has came to Costello's Corner has left with there problems solved.)

what sort of advice can i give.
since opening Costello's Corner i have came across many types of problems, some can be the normal ones such as marital problems and family troubles, but then i come across some peculiar such as people asking how to drink bleach safely. (side not, mix it with paracetamol)

Happy customers.
@Josef Stalin
@Thomas Fredrick
(there are many more in which i cannot remember there forum names)

some pictures of Costello's Corner.



(id like to thank @Samsterminator for making the Costello's corner video)​
Costellos Corner is great! Because of him I went on a awesome adventure. Without him I would never found my death father back and give him a proper funeral.
This man is a magician who speaks the language of the gods.
I think it’s the best shop you can find in the Bazaar/Business sector. Except for Trapani Pasta of course.
So if you are stuck and you don't know what to do be sure to visit him.
After you bought your meal at Trapani Pasta shop of course!
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