Craftable Armor

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  • Topic: Armor that you can Craft

    Short explanation (in notes):
    - Would take several components to craft, and would work kinda like Cop armor
    - Would stick onto the player like the Accessories, and there would be 2 tiers, Light, Medium, Heavy
    - Each would have there own model and wearing armor in public without reason would be arrestable (Any armor above Light would be Illegal)

    Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
    Because it would give Criminals more of a chance against SWAT teams, this would make the Game play more fun for both sides. And it could make criminals look cool. Also armor would slow you down a bit

    Optional additions:
    - Here are some Pictures of the Armor:
  • patrol-body-armor.jpg
  • MEDIUM ARMOR: |As good as Police Armor| |ILLEGAL ARREST ON SIGHT|
  • DSCN0646.jpg
  • HEAVY ARMOR: |A better than Cop armor| |ILLEGAL ARREST ON SIGHT|
  • mtv.gif
  • NOTE: None of gear would be stronger than SWAT armor
  • 1. The armor wears out quickly when you wear it (this would stop wearing armor in public)
  • 2. It would NEVER be stronger than SWAT armor
  • 3. It would be hard to craft (light= 10000$ of materials med= 30000 of materials heavy = 70000$ of materials)
  • 4. It would slow you down
  • 5. Wearing Heavy would restrict your FOV
  • 6. Wear heavy body armor in Government property would be treated as a Terror attack.
  • 7. High weapons level needed 80+ for all armor
  • 8. Every armor (except for light) would make a loud noise when you run
  • Thanks, Vin.
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Already suggested most likely going to be denied because there would be no easy way to get the armour to flow with the player and it would be too OP if a player has one on.

- support
It could easyily be Nerfed so it costs allot. And it could wear out over time
  • How many times do we have to say this? Already suggested and denied. Several times. Use the damn search tool

As @John Daymon said, there are numerous suggestions exactly the same as this one. The reason for this ideas denial is simple. It would unbalance fighting in game.

Think of it this way, if 10 guys armed with AK-47s were fighting the cops, it would already be difficult for the cops to succeed and apprehend the individuals. Yes, cops have moderate protection but compared to a high caliber rifle, this is trivial. Then imagine if the same 10 people also had HEAVY Armour, it would almost be impossible, there is a maximum of 16 police/ SWAT, this depends on whether there is a mayor. SWAT would lose their fear factor, RPing as cop would just become tedious as people would just break laws for no reason and who wouldn't care about rules such as: 3.4, 2.1, 3.3, 3.6, 3.19.

Therefore, - support

It has been suggested before, yes, but I think this version is the best one.
I will be +supporting this since you can wear it in real as well, also you provided all necessary information to make it work.

EDIT: I think the heavy armor should be KOS when the player starts running or is in a government building.
I have added a NERF section to show how it would be contoled
[DOUBLEPOST=1421839335,1421838822][/DOUBLEPOST]Please read the NERF section, just added it
It would make it balanced, which is bad. The police force is meant to be stronger than any criminal. You fuck shit up? Then the police comes to get you, no matter how big your guns are, just like in Real-Life.
Added more stuff to NERF section
[DOUBLEPOST=1421845250,1421840618][/DOUBLEPOST]@John Daymon I am adding nerfs that people suggest
Why don't you also do something else so that medium and heavy makes your footsteps louder for the sake of balance so that someone can ambush someone because they can hear them comming.

Also kevlar vests use metal plates to minimise the impact of the bullet without them it will feel like being shot with no protection at all. You will be alive but you will be in pain so if consumable plates are added and used up depending on how shot up they are would make them realistic.

However the vest should also be weak against some guns they can't stop everything even when a 50. Can punch through a tank.
This isn't call of duty, go home.. you're drunk.

On a more serious note, I feel this would severely give players a huge boost in being able to destroy the police within gunfights which sometimes already happens. Police have armor for a reason and that reason is so they have slightly more power than normal users as they are there to enforce the law; it's the same reason they run slightly faster than normal civs.

Bulletproof vests could work, but again the same thing would happen; it would give users too much power and a lot of the time make them too powerful to kill.. which isn't what PERP is about.
Already suggested and always gets denied. Armor is overpowered already + Police fails in 75 % even if its fuckin sweater vest with m9 berreta

It could be cool to change Secret Service to spawn with black suit with glasses + wearable armor ( only in critical situations ) but i dont realy see much need in it
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I would love to see this in roleplay, yet, I do not think this should be available at low crafting levels and should be really expensive, new laws could be added as no wearing heavier armour in a bank or something like that
+support civs can get Armour but i think it shouldn't be as op as the swat Armour and should cost a lot to make
What to do instead of getting craftable armor:
git gud at shooting.
Get an AK-47
Armor no longer needed.

Honestly, criminals equipped with an AK-47 and armor would be too powerful, especially if they can actually shoot and hit their target properly. I've used him as an example before, but I'll go ahead and do it again. Moron managed to take out the whole police force once, several times, equipped with an assault rifle and Sniper Rifle. Another day, he took down two SWAT members (and probably some cops in the process as well).
If the police (and/or SWAT) cannot stop a criminal armed with just an AK-47, what could they possible do against an armored criminal, even if the armor has minimal protection?
Firstly... To be able to make it visible on the player's model, we'd need a new model for each armor type for each different character model. That's 16(models)*3(armor types). And we'd have to add them on individually in the modelling program, even though we could just copy the armor over. Secondly, armor wouldn't make you that OP. Your head, arms and legs are still exposed to 100% damage, just like the cops. However, swat has helmets which protect their head. Thirdly, our weapons work like this... A beretta with 9x19 has 19 penetration. The officer's armor requires 25+(if I remember correctly) to go through the armor. This means an ak with 7.62x39 will definitely go through aswell as the M4 with 5.56x45. Hope this answers why we wouldn't be doing this in the near future. And by the way... We already thought about armor way back when we started out, in 2013 :)
  • This isn't call of duty, go home.. you're drunk.

    On a more serious note, I feel this would severely give players a huge boost in being able to destroy the police within gunfights which sometimes already happens. Police have armor for a reason and that reason is so they have slightly more power than normal users as they are there to enforce the law; it's the same reason they run slightly faster than normal civs.

    Bulletproof vests could work, but again the same thing would happen; it would give users too much power and a lot of the time make them too powerful to kill.. which isn't what PERP is about.

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