Criminal vs PD - the number breakdown

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We all know guns have been overpriced since the firearms update.

Still nothing done about it tho.

TL;DR: the raw stats

Time wasted as...
- Criminal dying in a shootout on average: 20.022 minutes.
- Criminal dying in a shootout with a popular rifle on average: 33.279 minutes.
- Police officer dying in a shootout: 5 minutes.
Best part about cop is getting that confiscation money while dead
dunno bout you but i only go cop to jump off city bridge during raids and get confiscation money
I crash my car so I have a legit reason not to be in a shootout
making the server more of a "cop vs robber" kind of thing.
This only has to do with the lack of people being encouraged to roleplay. The nature of this gamemode still is cops and robbers. If you look at other, very strict roleplaying gamemodes, some if not most depend on specific players doing specific tasks.(e.g; hl2rp.) You can't blaim the criminals for making this a cops and robbers game) A way to go against this is to make the guns more expensive so people commit less crime. Which would be putting emissions tax in a Forza game. It's plain fucking retarded. PERP is a cops and robbers game and apart from dedicated people was never build to make people go: "/me breathes 21% oxygen."

PLPD losing so much,
yeah i hate it when i win from 12 cops and some TFU when i raid someone with only myself, and 1 or two friends. That makes my world very peaceful because i have nothing to hate. normally i would ramble about loosing a shitload of time and money but sorle has already done that perfectly.
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If anyone of you wants to work out the amount of money you've wasted on average, use this equation.

((months*31*24*56250) + (24*56250) + (56250*(minutes/60))) / ((months*31*24) + (days*24))
what the fuck is this wall of text
Actual, well formed and useful information that critizes the way the server is currently 'balanced'.

seriously, considering this isn't a thread that just says: "tfu op pls remove" im curious on the opinions of senior administration.
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