Criminal vs PD - the number breakdown

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As biased as you may perceive this to be, this is simply based on the numbers. Nothing more, nothing less. I'll be doing my best to leave my opinion out of this, however I will allow others to insert their subjective views below.

First of all, for some context, I'm going to be calculating the amount of money made from growing.

We'll be basing this on the values of Cannabis, which totals at ~100 per batch (around $15,000), and requires on average for every 5th batch to be a seeding batch (sometimes 4th batch, very rarely 6th batch if you've got spare from previous seeding batches) as you get ~60 seeds per seeding batch.

On average, per 1 solid hour of growing with 0 downtime whatsoever, you will make $41860.4651163, so essentially $41860.

This was calculated by obtaining the amount of time each normal batch takes (16 minutes), multiplying it by 4 (64 minutes), adding a seeding batch (22 minutes - 86 total), then dividing by 4. This was divided by 4 instead of 5 as we're solely looking at monetary gain, not whole gain, as seeds cannot be sold themselves after a seeding batch, so the only way they themselves could have monetary value is through player-player transactions, which are very uncommon.

This then gives the amount of time it takes, on average, to earn $15000, at 21.5 minutes. Get 60 and divide it by this, and you get 2.79069767442 money-making batches, on average, per 1 hour. Multiply this by 15000 to get the average amount of money per hour whilst being self-sustained, to get our previous value of $41860.

This is an optimistic value, as this is with no down-time, no raids, and not factoring in refilling water.

Now, on to the fun stuff.

We'll now place a time value of 1 hour on $41860, so that whenever you lose $41860 worth of items/money, you essentially lose 1 hour.
Based on this, we'll look at the average price of a gun at 0% taxes (gun price values obtained from here - thanks @Qyndryx), which we work out to be $7566.25 without any attachments or mag and whilst disqualifying any anomalous results (every sniper + the G3A3).

Considering that around 70% of these weapons use magazines, we'll add on ($1500 / 0.7) for the rough average price of a full magazine.
Let's also consider the fact that exactly 16 of these weapons really wouldn't go used without compensators (every rifle after 5.56 changes + 4 SMGs), so we'll add (4000 x 1/3) to the total average price.
Then, factoring in that 17 of these weapons use stocks, which cost somewhere in the region of $1500, we'll add on ($1500 x 17/48) to the total average.

From all of this, our end result is an average price of 10480.8333333 per gun, so we'll call it $10481, as that's how it would be calculated on the server.

We then perform this calculation to find out the time that this amount of money would take to make: 60 / (41860 / 10481) to get an answer of 15.022 minutes. Add on the 5 minutes from the actual death timer to get 20.022 minutes lost, on average, when dying in a shootout as a criminal.

This is an unrealistic figure, as the most common guns used tend to be rifles: more specifically the M4A1, SCAR-L, AK-47, and the AK-101. A lot of the lower-tier guns aren't actually used, dragging the figure down further than what is realistic.

Let's base this next calculation on the rifles: if using a rifle in a shootout, how much time do you risk wasting?

A massive majority of criminal players use compensators on every rifle, so that will be a given in the calculations.

The combined value of 1x M4A1, 1x SCAR-L, 1x AK-47, and 1X AK-101, all with compensators, stocks, and full mags, is $78920.

Divide this by 4 and we get $19730.

Input this into the same formula we used before to calculate the average: 60 / (41860 / 19730) = 28.2799808887 minutes.

That is 28 minutes wasted solely based on losing a rifle.

Factor in the 5 minute death timer and you get over half an hour wasted for dying as a criminal with a rifle.

I'm not going to get into the debate of whether or not that's excessive, but it's pretty clear what my opinion is based on the fact that I've made this post.

While a cop, on the other hand, has a 5 minute death timer and that's it, really.

It would take 6.65 dead cops to compensate for the time wasted when 1 criminal dies with a rifle and loses it.

And this is WITHOUT factoring in crafting time (which has on the whole been improved with the new crafting system, good job guys) or marksmanship.

TL;DR: the raw stats

Time wasted as...
- Criminal dying in a shootout on average: 20.022 minutes.
- Criminal dying in a shootout with a popular rifle on average: 33.279 minutes.
- Police officer dying in a shootout: 5 minutes.

Seems like a big difference to me. Take the fact that I mainly play criminal as you will, but for me numbers don't lie.

Would appreciate genuinely constructive discussion/questions, as this took me way too long to make lol.
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no dude i actually did this myself, different values and everything
I really respect the amount of effort you have put into this thread. The thing is, I almost always play as a Police Officer, and there is nothing more common than getting murdered every 10 minutes. Currently, big orgs/gangs have a lot of power making the server more of a "cop vs robber" kind of thing. If with the current price there is already so many shootouts and the PLPD losing so much, what would happen if we decreased the price of these weapons? If anything the server already has enough shootouts and officers getting massacred.
200 iq

serious tho, there needs to be a change to the pd or something it just can't keep going on like this. I'm still going with decrease prices of materials for guns but the staff team doesn't seem to be interested which will eventually lead to a big issue cause rn its like 2 orgs actually doing stuff lol
See, the disparity in firepower heavily swings in the PD's favour when you factor in TFU, however I understand the annoyances faced when playing as a few pistol cops vs a fucking zerg. I've been playing cop myself and it has been difficult.

I wouldn't really see it as exacerbating the issue, moreso just encouraging the same playstyle people already have with these guns of "use it & lose it" and instead just making people grind less. The whole firepower disparity swinging issue would need to be solved in a different manner which buffs regular officers but nerfs TFU, but I'm unsure of how to do that atm.
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@KeiwaM please, you disagree cause you are the PD you don't actually have any constructive argument against it cause u sit in ur safe space at pd
If anything the server already has enough shootouts and officers getting massacred.

On a scale of 1 to mid 2018 how new are you? There used to be so many more orgs shooting cops.

Although back in the day, It would be like 6 people taking down the entire PD then going to raid an opposing gang, but nowadays its just everyone experienced vs cops and Newfags / Forgotten old timers Because the PD didnt have 16 armed officers on at all times.
Add getting revived after shooting cops and put in jail to that and you've got yourself even more time lost, especially when you get a 10k ticket with it.
tbf I haven't had a 10k ticket since i've came back + most of the time you get instablacked, probability varies too much to take it into account accurately
Daily reminder that if you die all the time as a pistol cop you shouldn't rush in and pistol spam.
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