CS:GO Skins

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IKEA - Northern Europe
So you all probably already saw the CS:GO post about some information and I am suprised with the number with players that actually play it!

I make this thread as I am intrested in what skins ya people got!

I myself got; AK Blue Laminate, AWP Redline (WW) Karambit Case Hardened (FT 80% BLUE PLAYSIDE)
CZ AUTO TWIST (BS) Aswell I got some other skins that I dont know the name of as my brother is borrowing 'em
Well, considering I don't want to waste money on CS:GO, and the fact that I don't exactly play it a lot, all of my skins are horrible and therefore cost less than €0.50
Anyway, here's a screenshot of what I have:

And a link to my full inventory:
I got a bunch of pistol skins, all are at least Mil-Spec or better, stattrak P250 splash and a deagle conspiracy are my prize possessions...

EDIT: oh yeah, and the rare CZ-75 Tuxedo (btw that gun, like, its Mil-Spec but like, you cant buy a stattrak one anywhere!)
I used to have a glock 18 steel disruption stat fn but i fucked up in betting and now its gone
I have allot of dank skins thanks to it though :)
I had a butterfly night Field Tested, and a karambit stained. But i got scammed for both ;e
I have red and blue tiger for all my snipers.

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R.I.P., you're in better hands now, my dear Bright Water.


Here's my inventory with all the random shizzle, link to inventory can be found here.

I will later get a low tier'ish knife (Field Tested Flip Knifes are somewhat cheap) with the help of my TF 2 Unusual and other items, hope you don't mind me selling your Collector's Professional Killstreak Eureka Effect for good causes for a friend of mine @xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx , the knife is going to be a birthday present.

Edit:What do you guys think of the new Vanguard Collection? dank or old kush? http://imgur.com/a/dn5Na
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