Professional Stripper
It's been a long time coming and I haven't told many. I won't be able to play again after Friday for around 3 months since I'm travelling home from university. I'll still be on forums and ts. I've enjoyed playing since I've been back and wanted to make the post to thank those that welcomed me back:
Big ups to:
@Dom_ for losing those 2 pounds congrats!
@Husky for late night grind/movie night x
@nade for
@Ayjay for being toxic again.
@Moon for free pizza
@Speedy for his service
@MachineGunO for not being here
@Samuel for being the oberst-gruppen fuhrer
@JER for being inactive
@ICEKILLER_99 for being 4'2
@MrLewis for bassline
@Sorle for enforcer
@Jamal for playing mc
@Kenty hello dim, I go be
@JRW for deranking
@JJB sports
@Greg shit flex cs knife
@Morteh late night gg's
@ALOO89 mess u
@Adrish for skipping exams for perp.
@Lelios for banning me
@TinySlayer for being salty
@✪[Sky]-Nooni for free guns
@Jay hutch for being a really good dancer.
@Dom_ for losing those 2 pounds congrats!
@Husky for late night grind/movie night x
@nade for

@Ayjay for being toxic again.
@Moon for free pizza
@Speedy for his service
@MachineGunO for not being here
@Samuel for being the oberst-gruppen fuhrer
@JER for being inactive
@ICEKILLER_99 for being 4'2
@MrLewis for bassline
@Sorle for enforcer
@Jamal for playing mc
@Kenty hello dim, I go be
@JRW for deranking
@JJB sports
@Greg shit flex cs knife
@Morteh late night gg's
@ALOO89 mess u
@Adrish for skipping exams for perp.
@Lelios for banning me
@TinySlayer for being salty
@✪[Sky]-Nooni for free guns
@Jay hutch for being a really good dancer.
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