Decrease the car speed difference.

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Decrease the car speed difference.


To many supercars

Right now the city of Paralake is filled with supercars and mini coopers. And it makes sense because if you are new to the server you will buy the cheapest car. And if you play longer on the server you will know there is no point in buying a car under the 90 m/ph. Why is simple you are facing a police force that has access to cars that go at least 90 m/ph. You will absolutely get wreaked if you try to escape them with a car that just goes 50 - 60 m/ph. So it's not strange that when people realize this they won't spend 1 million dollars on a car that won't have any other purpose than transport and is useless in police produces. This results in a street view in witch 80% of the cars are supercars.

If you would make cars like the mini cooper, ford focus or the fort transit 30 m/ph faster they would transform in a decent car that drives at a realistic speed. And have a fair chance in out speeding the police.


It's also more realistic in my country when people drive 30 miles per hour on the highway the police would arrest them immediately. Those cars are not roadworthy, it's dangerous because on a road where the maximum speed is 80 there is a very high chance that a car that's driving 80 will just ram you with 50 mp/h speed difference resulting in lethal accidents. It's not rare to see a car on the perp that's driving 90 fully crashing in a mini cooper right before him.


Of course, it would be fair to compensate owners of supercars since their cars won't get a 30 miles per hour speed boost. But you could still give their existing supercars small speed boost around like 10mp/h and make sure they will pull up considerably faster than a regular car. Or better turning at high speed.

Or just refund them like 30 percent of the original price of their car.

> This would create a better street view in Paralake
> It's more realistic
> It benefits newer players.
> More average cars will be purchased.
> A more balanced cop - regular car system
> Less dangerous situations on the highway

> a lot of work
> could be annoying for people that send a lot of time gaining a supercar


Instead of doing this, why not add a third upgrade to cars (or more. Make the second upgrade give a little more speed though, ~5mph extra isn't very decent for the price you pay). You get what you pay after all.
It will probably be useless for supercars that already hit max speed though.
Instead we could revamp the whole car upgrade system to specific part upgrades such as engine , brakes , Wheels etc and give the ability for players to put 1-2 mil engines in low cost vehicles making them extremely fast. Some of the low tier vehicles on the server look pretty good and i would love to put an expensive engine into them and make em hella fast. Imagine driving a Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 at 120 mph

EDIT: Maybe even get @Xquality to model specific vehicle parts on some vehicles so when you upgrade the wheels the model changes
Instead of doing this, why not add a third upgrade to cars (or more. Make the second upgrade give a little more speed though, ~5mph extra isn't very decent for the price you pay). You get what you pay after all.
It will probably be useless for supercars that already hit max speed though.
Why limit there? Why not allow 8 upgrades and double the amount needed every time?

1: 150
2: 150
3: 300
4: 600

This could make some unused car's right now actually used for people who have tons of money to waste.
Why limit there? Why not allow 8 upgrades and double the amount needed every time?

1: 150
2: 150
3: 300
4: 600

This could make some unused car's right now actually used for people who have tons of money to waste.
You'd have people throwing away billions for an 80mph mini cooper. I support
Instead we could revamp the whole car upgrade system to specific part upgrades such as engine , brakes , Wheels etc and give the ability for players to put 1-2 mil engines in low cost vehicles making them extremely fast. Some of the low tier vehicles on the server look pretty good and i would love to put an expensive engine into them and make em hella fast. Imagine driving a Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 at 120 mph

EDIT: Maybe even get @Xquality to model specific vehicle parts on some vehicles so when you upgrade the wheels the model changes

Something like this would be nice, especially for the car guys around here. Whenever I was on the server in more recent days (which is several months back really, but still) all I ever really enjoyed doing was driving around in my cars, and while the 2 upgrades are initially quite nice, introducing a tuner 'hobby' to allow people to upgrade car parts even further would be pretty darn neat. Even if I have to spend 5 mil on a 100k car in order for it to compete with stock supercars, I'm sold. Ford F100 speeding past a Lamborghini would be the greatest view of my day.
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I'd legit take my time to note down a TDM vehicle's bodygroup names to make individual tuning possible so that none of the devs have to waste a fuq ton of time on it cause we asked for it. I'd love that.
An alternative is to increase the maximum allowed upgrades on lower end vehicles. Super cars would have the same, 3 million cars will have 3 upgrades, 1 mill cars could have 4, and cars under 1 million could have 5 or 6. And cars below 200k could have 7 or 8. But then they would also have to strictly only increase vehicle speeds by 5mph to prevent a mini cooper from doing 120 on the highway, since it definitely wasn't intended for those tiny ass wheels. It'd just look whack.

This means you can invest considerably more in your car if you're really set on keeping it, but couldn't before due to the lack of anything to upgrade.
I still think that all current job vehicles should keep their same speed, but the FF Dodge ram could get an increase in acceleration and top speed to roughly 60-70.
I also think that bodykits should be purchasable at a discount than if you were to manually purchase each bodygroup for your vehicle.
+support for some reason my car just isnt viable in the current meta of the server

here is a pic for reference

Yup , i agree.
There should be more specific tuning options such as engine, transmission , suspension etc. Then i realise how much work it will take and see chances of that happening reduced to 0 .

On Perpheads i've decided to pass on the car that i personally loved the most in other perp servers which is the Chevelle ss.
Because it barely goes 50mhp here.

For now i selected a car that has decent speed, passenger and trunk capacity instead as my daily driver.
What you guys are describing as Tuning options are A'LOT of work and I mean a Shit load. However, increasing the vehicle speed may not be such a bad idea. I get why its done like that. Garry's Mod maps are not as massive as they seem, but this may seem like a good idea to get more balance on the highway and police chases. Yes, it can be annoying as I spent hours getting my car and upgrading it and stuff like that. But if it creates a more balanced system I'm up for it!
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