Dillian Regal Ban Appeal

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Parts Unknown
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Ben Lockwood

Your Steam Name: Chargglez Firecaster
Your In-game Name: Dillian Regal
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27065955

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (stapped another player to death for hitting his car and being cheeky, Feel free to appeal on the forum.
Why should this appeal be considered: I am relatively new to the server, and I fully admit at first, I had no intention to RP. Now I have realized that the server is very good, and I would like to RP properly. I have had warnings before which were fairly given, but I don't think this one was. Mainly becasue this kind of thing has happened to me before without any bans given to the players that done it to me. I know there is no rule against RDM which kind of blurs the lines a bit, so I do believe that I should be given another chance. to show that I can RP.

Additional Comment(s):
Evidence (If Applicable)
: (See: Thread)
Well, your ban isn't permanent and tbh I think it won't be removed, maybe reduce though, and if you did just stab someone to death it's still breaking rules. I think this time might be well to read the rules, understand RolePlaying, and then come back as a quality player we can all enjoy :) in my opinion this is breaking 2.1, seeing as you would not stab someone for ''being cheeky'' and ramming your can(Atleast, I hope :P) also, it might have been 3.4(However I'm not sure, seeing as I don't know where it happened.) maybe you should also put a little more effort in your ban appeal, to show that you do in fact regret it and do want to RP normally.

If you just started, I really recommend reading all the rules and laws, it will help you alot and prevent you from getting banned :)
"Appeal type: Dispute"

Doesn't look like a dispute to me.
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After dealing with you both in-characterly and OOCly I've seen how you act and I must say that I am not very pleased by that, you was for example yesterday running away from me as roadcrew then trying to kill me with your wrench when I was a cop. From me I would say keep the ban as this player in need of a short-time out from the server where he can cooldown and re-read the rules
When I have Role-played with you you seem to always run from Gun point. I really don't think you can Role-play right. Maybe if you can prove us that you can role-play on a video and the Admins will handle it from there...
Denied,there is no evidence to dispute the ban and being new does not excuse ignoring the rules twice in one day. You broke 3.4 on two occasions so closely together that you where banned while another mod was looking for you. My advice to you would be read the rules in this two week period and come back all the better for it.
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