Server Suggestion Dispatch mute button

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Crota's throne world
Suggestion Title: Dispatch mute button
Suggestion Description: So I been in a bunch of situations where dispatchers have been talked over and honestly its getting annoying so what i want too suggest is a radio mute button, as with dispatch be unpopular as it is, trying to get more people onto dispatch and to listen to you is nightmare fuel. So this is my idea to limit this

What I mean by dispatch mute button

So have you ever had a situation like This happen too you on dispatch, I'm sure you have so this is my idea too limit that at the very least

Little button on the left hand side of the screen, where the camera button is could be a mute button, the mute button mutes anyone that is not a sergeant+ to limit there talking over the radio, unless they panic or is given free reign by the dispatcher (could be like another little button or something saying unblock for example if in a pursuit anyone in said pursuit has there coms open and can speak) This could help immensely with idiots constantly breaking radio protocol and while its a supervisors job to reprimand them there been times where its just feels like its not worth it, Or there's not a supervisors on, or they get a slap on the wrist from IA etc.

So with the button activated, it shows something on screen like a notification showing the dispatcher on duty has pressed the mute button, please only panic if necessary this can be toggled for a curtain amount of time be that 30 seconds or 2 mins too help dispatchers actively give incidents too units without being talked over, Of course this can be stopped at any time by the dispatcher OR if in an emergency you panic letting you speak too the dispatcher and getting there point across

Why should this be added?:
I feel like this should be added for multiple reasons

- It would help less experienced dispatchers want too come onto dispatch more
- Less reprimands, less work for supervisors
- Dispatchers have more control over the radio
- The all important QoL improvements

What negatives could this have?:
However I can see some downsides

-Can be easily abused in some cases as if you think about it if a dispatcher has constantly turned it on unless you panic how can people contact dispatch, However would put failsafe's in place within policy's if this does get approved however I could see this happening
- Devs would hate me more then they do now (spending dev time making stuff that only a few people would actually use)

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Radio protocol breakers
Besides this very great suggestion it would be nice if supervisors would actually start to enforce radio policy and reprimand people talking over the radio. Dispatchers should be able to give out reprimands for it as well.
While I like the general idea of helping dispatchers overcome the radio clutter issue, I think mute button might be slightly excessive.

Instead I would suggest implementing something like priority message, similiar to priority speaker on ts3 (or something like that, idk how it's called exactly). i.e when dispatch talks in priority mode, radio volume of other people speaking is significantly lowered to ensure dispatch can be heard over them, yet still allowing to hear the others speak as the mute button is an double edged sword - sometimes it's officers not obeying radio protocol obstructing the dispatcher, but sometimes also officers during intense situation are obstructed by poor dispatcher who instead of allowing open comms during huge shootout, decides to shout on officers for not following radio protocol when they fight for their lives. Priority speaker mode would have reduced impact on that, as opposed to mute button which might entirely remove officers ability to effectively communicate mid situation.
This is a possible idea, another solution I had to this is just having officers below a certain rank have their radios talk only to dispatch unless dispatch unlock it for an incident.

it's basically impossible to play dispatch or to even have your radio unmuted during peak times because people using radio for the most random shit clogging it up
how about when dispatch is speaking in radio everyone gets muted except for Lieutenant+
Although I RARELY have these issues when I am on dispatch, I still feel like this could massively help newer dispatchers and others when dealing with officers or other government workers inability to follow radio protocol.
Priority Speaker has been mentioned numerous times previously and has been denied each time, It would also be a suggestion which would be at the bottom of the board due to the workload Developers have at the moment. Dispatchers should be vocal and if they are having issues with Radio Protocol should be enforcing it if they are Supervisors with Reprimands + Inboxes, If they are not a Supervisor and Just a Regular Officer + Dispatcher they should be informing On-Duty Supervisors to Take Action. I have never had an issue myself with Radio Protocol as I enforce it and ensure it is enforced. Radio Protocol has always been an issue but Officers should adhere to it as it is in the Handbook 3e) Radio Protocol. And the Handbook should be reviewed by all new Officers so if they have not read up on it it is pitty on them.

My advice would be, Directly Inform the Officer in /gov chat which prevents excuses of not being informed, If they proceed inform an On-Duty Supervisor to Directly Speak to them, If no Supervisor is on you can gather evidence and make an Internal Affairs Complaint. But 9 times out of 10 when there is a Dispatcher there is a Supervisor.

Alot of Dispatchers have issues with Enforcing Radio Protocol because they are not vocal enough directly to the target of the issue, Or that Confidence is a Factor which if it is can be resolved by talking to Dispatch Command via Helpdesk.

Im going to -1 This as it would be very low on the priority list for Development and I believe it can be enforced with what has been said above
Can be easily abused in some cases as if you think about it if a dispatcher has constantly turned it on unless you panic how can people contact dispatch,
Yes but what if you panicked and dispatch doesn't turn it on at all?
I think mute button might be slightly excessive
As stated here from Hodgparjor I kinda agree with him on this
Priority Speaker has been mentioned numerous times previously and has been denied each time, It would also be a suggestion which would be at the bottom of the board due to the workload Developers have at the moment. Dispatchers should be vocal and if they are having issues with Radio Protocol should be enforcing it if they are Supervisors with Reprimands + Inboxes, If they are not a Supervisor and Just a Regular Officer + Dispatcher they should be informing On-Duty Supervisors to Take Action. I have never had an issue myself with Radio Protocol as I enforce it and ensure it is enforced. Radio Protocol has always been an issue but Officers should adhere to it as it is in the Handbook 3e) Radio Protocol. And the Handbook should be reviewed by all new Officers so if they have not read up on it it is pitty on them.

My advice would be, Directly Inform the Officer in /gov chat which prevents excuses of not being informed, If they proceed inform an On-Duty Supervisor to Directly Speak to them, If no Supervisor is on you can gather evidence and make an Internal Affairs Complaint. But 9 times out of 10 when there is a Dispatcher there is a Supervisor.

Alot of Dispatchers have issues with Enforcing Radio Protocol because they are not vocal enough directly to the target of the issue, Or that Confidence is a Factor which if it is can be resolved by talking to Dispatch Command via Helpdesk.

Im going to -1 This as it would be very low on the priority list for Development and I believe it can be enforced with what has been said above
Ok so if I need a supervisor are you going to be there as you avoid supervisor stuff like the plague? secondly u are really never on dispatch in honesty, I feel like you just downvoted this for the sake of it.

I already mentioned this but lets break it down
1st - The fact is even more experienced officers break it without a care in the world, My solution while not perfect will hopefully eliminate the problem too a point where people would want too come on dispatch and play.

2nd - While its in the handbook again the point stands of officers that don't care, Like the above clip.

3rd - Why make an IA when in all honesty it could take 2 weeks for it too be filled out and action too be taken, even then they could be exonerated

4th - Part the issue I agree with some dispatchers get overruled as I have had my fair share same with others, However Instead of it being a ball ache too control and making potential dispatchers quit before they go anywhere, give them the tools too do what they need to then dispatch would not be such a dead division!
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Ok so if I need a supervisor are you going to be there as you avoid supervisor stuff like the plague? secondly u are really never on dispatch in honesty, I feel like you just downvoted this for the sake of it.
The message you're quoting is respectful and includes arguments. Your reply is uncalled for, a plain attack. Keep this discussion civil or you won't be able to participate
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While I like the general idea of helping dispatchers overcome the radio clutter issue, I think mute button might be slightly excessive.

Instead I would suggest implementing something like priority message, similiar to priority speaker on ts3 (or something like that, idk how it's called exactly). i.e when dispatch talks in priority mode, radio volume of other people speaking is significantly lowered to ensure dispatch can be heard over them, yet still allowing to hear the others speak as the mute button is an double edged sword - sometimes it's officers not obeying radio protocol obstructing the dispatcher, but sometimes also officers during intense situation are obstructed by poor dispatcher who instead of allowing open comms during huge shootout, decides to shout on officers for not following radio protocol when they fight for their lives. Priority speaker mode would have reduced impact on that, as opposed to mute button which might entirely remove officers ability to effectively communicate mid situation.
see this is a suggestion I would like too see something like that however my main concern is people being actively disruptive, However i can see what hes saying hear
What I think would be very positive for dispatch, if the radio traffic became more 1-way, with the option to manually open up open communications (default, so the dispatch has time to go to the office peacefully)

The change would be broadcasted in gov chat (would also be nice if it there was a message that said you're taking a 911 call)

Everyone hears you as dispatch, but not everyone can talk to everyone. Promotes the usage of incident radio.
What I think would be very positive for dispatch, if the radio traffic became more 1-way, with the option to manually open up open communications (default, so the dispatch has time to go to the office peacefully)

The change would be broadcasted in gov chat (would also be nice if it there was a message that said you're taking a 911 call)

Everyone hears you as dispatch, but not everyone can talk to everyone. Promotes the usage of incident radio.
This is what is needed as I also said, with dispatch on theres no reason you should be able to talk to everybody!!
This is what is needed as I also said, with dispatch on theres no reason you should be able to talk to everybody!!
Precisely. Would also improve the issues that I commonly have and make me not want to play dispatch:
- People hearing about an incident and responding there when not assigned
- People talking over you
- Officers accidentally talking over others, because they have radio muted, whilst someone else or you is talking. Officers would have less of the need to keep their radio muted.
As someone with genuinely hundreds if not thousands of hours as dispatch and as a supervisor I agree it can get cluttered and a real problem, that being said;

Genuinely a lot of the radio traffic can be cleared up the the officers themselves, maybe a FAQ could be made for newer officers or even include these questions in the initial application to sign-up as an officer;

1. I need to request an OR, what do I do?
- Use the text based radio with /gov as the emergency radio is for emergencies only.

2. I need a supervisor as a suspect is requesting one, how do I do this?
- You can use /gov and request a SGT+ to attend to the supervisor situation, or they can simply deny the request by responding in the text based radio.

There's also other comms constantly given over the radio such as "I'm following a blue car, it's turning left, wait no it's going right, no wait it's gone left again, it nearly crashed, it almost ran someone over, it's gone straight on"

This is a really poor example of what I hear on the radio on a daily basis, we don't care nor we do need to hear it, just make clear and concise comms.

"Blue golf recklessly driving through intersection, can I get an additional unit"

See how easy that was?
Precisely. Would also improve the issues that I commonly have and make me not want to play dispatch:
- People hearing about an incident and responding there when not assigned
- People talking over you
- Officers accidentally talking over others, because they have radio muted, whilst someone else or you is talking. Officers would have less of the need to keep their radio muted.
Would also encourage officers to use text based more, that could stay global, because half of the shit that comes over the radio now could easily go into text based.
I think there is definitely an opportunity for a radio revamp to make the dispatcher role much more effective.

I’ve always felt it would be great for Dispatch to be able to make the radio channels closed, with only dispatch -> communication & unit/incident communication.

It’s incredibly frustrating when you radio unit A to respond to an incident & units B,C&D respond because they want action instead of staying patrolling in their designated zones.

I do believe, however, a reprimand is needed over a ‘mute’ but we can all agree this rarely happens.

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