Police Suggestion DNA tool for RTU to get fingerprints from stolen cars.

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Suggestion Title: DNA tool for RTU to get fingerprints from stolen cars.
Suggestion Description: I'd like to suggest a forensic tool for RTU and SGT+ to scan vehicles for fingerprints when stolen.

To balance this there could be some kind of degradation of the fingerprint, so we would have to locate the stolen vehicle in X minutes (maybe 5) to save forensic evidence and we can then use that fingerprint to identify the person who stole the vehicle.

Why should this be added?:
Currently we have absolutely no way of identifying who is stealing vehicles, especially if we don't see them or stop them in the act and vehicle theft is rife through Paralake right now with orgs trying to farm that exp.

For balance as suggested above we could offer a small timer to save the forensic evidence and then we can set a warrant for theft to catch them.

What negatives could this have?:
1. Crims won't like it 1 bit, especially orgs farming exp. There might be actual tears and lots of them.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: There is currently no way to detect who is stealing vehicles and it leaves a marker on the vehicle to say stolen, even when the owner has their vehicle back. If we can at least arrest someone for the theft, then we can easily archive stolen vehicle markers.
This is a good idea and also gives more incentive for people to rank up in PD. It's almost impossible to arrest a car thief unless you find him in the act should be more ways to catch them. This will also save car owners the hassle of being detained for driving their own car which is marked stolen which happens often
This is a good idea and also gives more incentive for people to rank up in PD. It's almost impossible to arrest a car thief unless you find him in the act should be more ways to catch them. This will also save car owners the hassle of being detained for driving their own car which is marked stolen which happens often
I would have to agree, there are ways to nerf it as well. Such as having possibly a 5-minute timeframe to collect fingerprints, and if it's not done by then the prints would be lost. Could also implement a mechanic if multiple individuals get inside the car and drive off, it could show all of the possible fingerprints from all the occupants of the vehicle. Not sure how it would be coded, but could be an interesting feature. Especially since all the orgs are constantly stealing vehicles, and it's hard to combat the rise in stolen vehicles.
I like the suggestion from a PD viewpoint, however from a Criminal standpoint, its one of the low-medium risk crimes where driving skills really pay off and I feel like this would make it quite overpowered for PD.
and if i have gloves on dose it show my finger print ?
Fingerprints aren’t the only way you can get DNA.

I wouldn’t be opposed to this as long as there was some degradation of DNA over time, say the car wasn’t located within 5 minutes of last use then nothing is viable.
what im trying to say is there must be way that no one can find ur DNA

like killing someone = burning hes bodey

so if i steal car can i burn the car ?
I’m sure there are many fingerprints on a vehicle that belong to neither the owner and the thief, this seems like an overpowered unneeded cop buff, seeing as you already have ANPR for stolen vehicles
Bro agrees to every single pd suggestion :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
Very relevant to the discussion...

I don't really see this as a needed suggestion, dispatch receives an automatic incident whenever a car alarm goes off so it is easy enough to respond and catch the thief in the act. The only thing this doesn't help with is when people cheese their chop shops by crowbarring the car, running away and then returning after the cops leave - which I think is an issue with the chop shop system itself rather than a lack of PD equipment / resources.
I think there is a possibility for this to cause issues with rule breaks and balance. Stealing a vehicle is charged under law 11.6, carrying "3 years maximum imprisonment, $3,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture." Given that this is a minor charge carrying a light sentence, it is not a sentence of which would usually allow for running from the police and/or fighting them. Of course, given the nature of the specific crime (stealing a car), running is usually permissible and realistic.

Implementing this functionality would lead to players being warranted for 11.6 after having successfully escaped from police and disposed of the vehicle. I can imagine that this will lead to some players causing shootouts with police, or running yet again to avoid being arrested. This could be considered 3.4, however the user has no other option but to comply really. This isn't really balanced, given that stealing a car would then practically guarantee being arrested, or at the very least significantly increase your chances to an unreasonable level. It also punishes players who are successful in stealing a vehicle and evading police, which often requires some level of skill. They would be the only ones affected by this, as those who are caught before the vehicle is disposed of already have reason to be arrested.
We could just make it so you have to drive the car for a set period of time for there to be any org xp gain from stealing the vehicle to begin with, that way you aren’t just stealing and running and thieves are more likely to be caught in the act.
Suggestion Title: DNA tool for RTU to get fingerprints from stolen cars.
Suggestion Description: I'd like to suggest a forensic tool for RTU and SGT+ to scan vehicles for fingerprints when stolen.

To balance this there could be some kind of degradation of the fingerprint, so we would have to locate the stolen vehicle in X minutes (maybe 5) to save forensic evidence and we can then use that fingerprint to identify the person who stole the vehicle.

Why should this be added?:
Currently we have absolutely no way of identifying who is stealing vehicles, especially if we don't see them or stop them in the act and vehicle theft is rife through Paralake right now with orgs trying to farm that exp.

For balance as suggested above we could offer a small timer to save the forensic evidence and then we can set a warrant for theft to catch them.

What negatives could this have?:
1. Crims won't like it 1 bit, especially orgs farming exp. There might be actual tears and lots of them.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: There is currently no way to detect who is stealing vehicles and it leaves a marker on the vehicle to say stolen, even when the owner has their vehicle back. If we can at least arrest someone for the theft, then we can easily archive stolen vehicle markers.
Whilst it does sound good, Realistically it would take longer than a minute or two to gather Finger Prints of a Vehicle and even then they would not be the prime suspect as there could be a variety of people who have touched the vehicle or interacted with it.
We could just make it so you have to drive the car for a set period of time for there to be any org xp gain from stealing the vehicle to begin with, that way you aren’t just stealing and running and thieves are more likely to be caught in the act.
This could work. It could also work on a sliding scale with diminishing returns. For example, you steal the car and you drive the car for 5 minutes, you get "X" XP. Driving for another 5 returns "Y" XP. This continues up until a specified point. This would have to be balanced to ensure that the player is not stationary or in the same area the entire time, which when thinking about it could be ALOT of dev work.

(X>Y>Z etc)
We could just make it so you have to drive the car for a set period of time for there to be any org xp gain from stealing the vehicle to begin with, that way you aren’t just stealing and running and thieves are more likely to be caught in the act.
Well that's a bit of an oversight. Is this a thing?
thats ur job dispach must watch the car also someone is breaking rules same car in less than 1 min !_!
The problem Aloo is that's a role that's rarely used, whilst it seems OP, it's only OP when we actually have a dispatch online, or in a big raid if we have TFU which we rarely do. Whilst the policies are there, the units aren't
i think adding timer better than adding time to drive car like "this car have been stolen recntly"

because if i have drive car for ammount of time that mean i cant steal 75% of cars that are slow

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