Does VIP Benefits need rework?

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United States
Title, although, there are quite a few pointers I wanna bring up.

- I feel like problem one is that VIP has gotten more and more expensive (with IG cash) over the years without the IRL price changing. Back when I started (2017), it was anywhere between 60k - 80k, and more recently when I get back on the server I see a month going for 100k. Is this because the wheel gave more avenues? Is it because VIP is now given to Newcomers?

- There are truly only a few key benefits from VIP, while the rest feels like marginal numbers fluff. These key benefits are the Premium cars, extra planter & spin (for crim mains), a little more extra carry weight (which is rarely a problem I've run into), and a guaranteed gov. car (mainly for cop mains). I'd love to hear ideas for other benefits.

Any thoughts?
Should more benefits be offered for a slight price increase?
Do the benefits such as the 1.75 times more as a government employee, and up to 2 planters instead of 1 need to be revisited as it gets more expensive (and making money gets harder and harder)?

Edit: Don't just shrug, rate, and leave. Leave your thoughts, it's called a discussion lol
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Supply and demand, many more people joined and they enjoyed it so buy premium, next to this the amount of sellers decreased a little thus meaning the prices got pushed up.

60-80k is still insanely low as back in the day you would grow 24-36k an hour (with vip) giving 2 hours of playtime enough to cover the debt for the next one and nowadays u can grow 50-75k an hour and pay 100k, I would say the price is incredibly low.

Making money is piss easy

Highering planter amounts will only cause a bigger difference and rich will get richer
If anything price of premium should go up, come to the think of it you can make so much money a day from premium perks it is quite OP
Supply and demand...

and nowadays u can grow 50-75k an hour and pay 100k
With this in mind (as I still thought we we're getting 26-35k/hour), the price makes sense. But HOW? Is it coco+meth?

Making money is piss easy
I'm a shit shooter without TFU, and can't raid worth a damn because I'm often too broke to afford good guns, and when I do have one or two I am too scared to lose them in a raid (so I just lose them in defending my shit).

Only reason I am able to make money is that I got a thousand leaves just stored and occasionally I'll grind dry them for an hour or two, make 200k, and rinse/repeat a week later.

Highering planter amounts will only cause a bigger difference and rich will get richer
I was thinking to raise the default to two, and the premium to 3. Maybe CMs can do a "happy hour" type of event where this could be the case for a week or two and then switch it back. Just an idea, though.
- I feel like problem one is that VIP has gotten more and more expensive (with IG cash) over the years without the IRL price changing. Back when I started (2017), it was anywhere between 60k - 80k, and more recently when I get back on the server I see a month going for 100k. Is this because the wheel gave more avenues? Is it because VIP is now given to Newcomers?
Premium is actually nowhere near as expensive as it should be. Back in the day when it was sold for around 60-80k, people made 36k an hour with drugs, which since has been increased with the drug reworks and changes, to the point people are making 100k an hour - and the price of premium has barely changed at all in comparison. This means that back in the day, affording premium would be a little over 2 hours of work. Now, it's less than half that. I mean, if we took it to the extreme and made the prices match as they did back then - with drug profits seeing a 2.7x increase - premium would cost roughly 160-216k
Even (some) legal jobs are seeing some paycheck boosts and additional bonuses have been added over the years, so making money isn't that difficult at all.

The fact that the price has barely changed is honestly so horrendously stupid.

- There are truly only a few key benefits from VIP, while the rest feels like marginal numbers fluff. These key benefits are the Premium cars, extra planter & spin (for crim mains), a little more extra carry weight (which is rarely a problem I've run into), and a guaranteed gov. car (mainly for cop mains). I'd love to hear ideas for other benefits.
I think these few key benefits are good as they are. Premium shouldn't be a necessity to "truly" experience PERP. It also shouldn't be an outright pay-to-win situation, though it kinda feels like it currently is, given how much money you make in comparison to non-premium players.
With this in mind (as I still thought we we're getting 26-35k/hour), the price makes sense. But HOW? Is it coco+meth?
The best way is weed and meth, you still get a shit ton from just coke
We haven't increased the price for premium in an extremely long time, it has always remained low and will likely continue to do so for the forseeable future.
As for premium benefits, there are always things we could add as an incentive but I'd say the ability to grow more drugs alone is a pretty big reason to have it.

As for in-game prices for premium changing, you could attribute this to a number of things such as us making it easier to get money, but ultimately it's down to the people who buy it, they are the ones who choose the price they will pay. This hovers around 70-90k for 30 days and I doubt it'll stray too far from that.

I think this entire system is fine right now, rest assured that any big feature changes will likely feature premium incentives as most things do to some extent.
On a point about the price, it is good to note that with the odds the way they are you can keep Prem pretty much forever just by spinning the wheel in casino, at least in my and other's experiences
On a point about the price, it is good to note that with the odds the way they are you can keep Prem pretty much forever just by spinning the wheel in casino, at least in my and other's experiences

It is also extremely easy to earn the money required, even if it's 100k no matter how you play on the server.
It is also extremely easy to earn the money required, even if it's 100k no matter how you play on the server.
Exactly, PERP is one of those servers were you really never need to pay for prem, you can easily earn it through gameplay
I feel like I'm one of the only 'regular' players who doesn't have premium, not because of the price or features I just don't NEED it. I feel like this is a good thing, I'm able to play and enjoy the server just like everyone else without having to invest to get a better experience. Sure I don't make as much money and I may have to partner up with some shithouse cops to get a car, but it isn't so bad. Even without premium I'm able to make enough money in a few hours to buy it at 70-90k, so I really see no problem. More features could be good just as long as players like me can still enjoy the game equally without premium.