Double ban request.

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name:
Jordan Ryan

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Luke Person
Andreas Wiese

His/Her SteamID: Unknown (Cannot find their Steam_IDs anywhere as I am unsure of their Steam name).
Reason: Pretty much at the start of the video the first cop came up to the door, and started to shoot through the door for no reason. AT the time, I was unsure of who it was, so I shot back. This went on for a little bit until the cop bled out and died.

A while later, two other cops came up to the door and started to beat it. At the start, I was un sure if they were cops or not, and wanted a reason why as to me opening the door. No response. After asking multiple times and then the cops threatening to blow the door open if we do not response, they eventually blew the door open and flashed banged us. I responded to them through my microphone and text. Over ten times...

Later, they arrested me and a friend and took us to jail. It's also apparently that they can hear us perfectly in the video.

1. The problem I see here is you using third-party software to communicate with each other. I doubt that is just sounds like it, so you use it to gain an unfair advantage over others, -> metagaming. Pretty obvious at 6:20. You hear his keyboard while he is typing ingame.

2. The cops could raid you, because you obviously didn't report the crime, what is against the law. Also communicating through a closed door isn't really something clear. You should have opened the door, to talk to the police officers. In my eyes their raid was legit.
Like Trande has said, there was no need for the officer to shoot though the door at you, however when you shot back then they have a reason to raid and take you to jail because you killed the cop. If you would of went outside and spoke to the police then you would not of been raided or even made a /report. By you shooting back gives them a reason to raid because you killed and used your firearm in an illegal way. Also if you are using Third Party Communication Applications then that is a bannable offence. If you replay the demo and get the tick you can go into "Drive mode" where you can fly around and find the officers name then make a request on him if you wish and feel that it is needed.
1. The problem I see here is you using third-party software to communicate with each other. I doubt that is just sounds like it, so you use it to gain an unfair advantage over others, -> metagaming. Pretty obvious at 6:20. You hear his keyboard while he is typing ingame.

They did nothing wrong in this video with their third-party software, they were in in real life talk range and even whisper range.
Nothing wrong with using ts3,skype,etc.
I understand everyone thinks the raid was fair, but if you look at it from a different way then...
The guy shot through the door, he didn't know it was an officer and even know that he actually killed him, the officers that later appeared didn't tell him what happend so the guy couldn't explain what happend. I think the raid was unfair.

Don't understand why Bolli (Head admin) starts spamming LOOC with 3.24 while it was only needed once.
As above you broke a huge rule their by metagaming. Then secondly you should of reported what happened not shot back. They had a 100% valid reason to raid, you've killed a cop.
1) I did not know using third-party software to talk was not allowed. That's my fault, and I apologise for that. It'll not happen again.

2) I recorded this with other software, not the demo.

3) I should point out, that there was a 30 minute to an hour gap between me killing the first cop (Who, by the way; randomly came to my door for no reason, and started to shoot through it. Forgive me if my first reaction was "OH! This is a cop, let me open the door to him while he blasts bullets towards my face!" to the other offices appearing at my door, demanding that I open up, and then give no response when I ask why I should do this.

If the officers responded to me, through text or chat as to why I need to open up, then I would have opened the door. They also are ignoring me and my friend. So at the time, we were unsure if they were cops at all. Also, when people come knocking on your door, after the first cop 30 minutes prior tired to (For no reason) kill me or shoot randomly into my apartment, then ANYONE would be hesitant to opening their door.

P.S. After the 30 minute gap, how could they know that there was a dead cop there? For one, we dragged it one or two floors down and hid the body.

4) "Communicating through a closed door isn't really something clear" just encase you missed it, a cop came to my door in the beginning and started shooting for no reason. I had no idea who it was, and did not know it was a cop. Cop died moments later.

30 - 60 minutes pass, and I get another two people knocking on my door, demanding me to open up and that they're the police. Like I said, anyone would be paranoid to open up or fail to believe that it could be the "Police". When asking for certain pieces of information from the two "Policemen" I failed to receive any answer.
Ash's comment on my reply.
1. He didn't know it was a cop, it could a random guy trying to raid him. 2. Run into a guy shooting at your door....
30 - 60 minutes pass, and I get another two people knocking on my door, demanding me to open up and that they're the police. Like I said, anyone would be paranoid to open up or fail to believe that it could be the "Police". When asking for certain pieces of information from the two "Policemen" I failed to receive any answer.

I totally agree with this. The policemen had to give information about them after being asked. Imagine this in real life.

Besides this, Luke shot at me (as a Lieutenant) without even listening to what I was saying through my microphone about 1 week ago.

And so many other times that he didn't even gave a shit about what I was writing on the chat and kept talking like I don't speak at all.
They did nothing wrong in this video with their third-party software, they were in in real life talk range and even whisper range.
Nothing wrong with using ts3,skype,etc.

That's simply not true. At the beginnign he asks "How many?", and "Are thex coming?" While he is sitting in a different room. So they gained an unfair advantage over the cop, or the guy who could have been someone who wanted to raid them.

The problem is you not reporting the crime. It is obvious you knew something about the shooting, or even that you're involved. You commited a crime, then you kinda failed to cooperate, giving them a reason to raid. It's a bit upsetting, because getting raided for not reporting a crime is tough, but fine.
We didnt cooperate because they didnt say why they wanted to come in. So many people come outside of apartments and start knocking on the door saying they are police, when they are not. As soon as you open the door they will point a gun on your head and rob/mug you.
The first police officer who shot randomly trought the door didnt say anything. We had no idea who he was. Im sure we can get the ingame demo and the name of that guy. I dont understand how Luke knew it was us who killed the cop tho. The body had dissapeared long time ago, I dont think he got the DNA off him.
Denied, you did not open the door when prompted and had killed an officer prior to this. all of the evidence shows that they did not use unreasonable force. If you want to watch the demo on drive the cop that shot the door for no reason will receive a ban but other than that the only thing issued will be a warning to the user who uploaded for breaking 3.2.
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