Server Suggestion Double XP weekend/Double XP events

Reaction score
Gangster's Paradise
Suggestion Title: Double XP weekend/Double XP events
Suggestion Description: Double XP on either weekends or just random events with it going on for like a week or so (Similar to the current weed one)

XP that could be doubled:

-Government Jobs (Firefighter, Medic)
-Org XP
-Crafting XP
-Any other XP based skills

Or perhaps there could be different ones each weekends like COD does.

Why should this be added?:
- Would prompt people to join the server to grind the XP events
- Help new players catch up to the old heads

What negatives could this have?:
- Not much as most people who have been playing for a while are already maxed anyways
- Could be OP

A huge incentive to those who are currently grinding the server to take advantage of this limited-timed event.

This was already something we were thinking of. I'll leave this open so we can get more suggestions for what we could alter, so far we have:

Fishing doubled
Drug yield doubled
XP for jobs doubled
Org XP doubled
Crafting double
Additional money is added by selling items in a certain place (E.g. $2500 added for every sale in city market or Puffer) (Discuss pls)
Increased chances of random fires (Discuss pls)

Additional money is added by selling items in a certain place (E.g. $2500 added for every sale in city market or Puffer)
Meh I don't honestly see any need for this one, I suppose if you want people to actually start using the marketplace then sure but Bazaar will always be that go to place.

Increased chances of random fires
Sure, why not, so long it doesn't affect players too much and there is enough Firefighters on to make up for the increased fires.
Additional money is added by selling items in a certain place (E.g. $2500 added for every sale in city market or Puffer) (Discuss pls)
That would be pretty cool to see but could easily get abused. If managed properly then I'm all for it to boost business sales! Try not to inflate the economy with this however.

Increased chances of random fires (Discuss pls)
I'm all for that 100% would encourage firefighters. #PerpIsTheNewCalifornia
Additional money is added by selling items in a certain place (E.g. $2500 added for every sale in city market or Puffer) (Discuss pls)
sounds good but i feel like every sale people could just abuse it and buy something off someone sell it back too someone for the same price and do that constantly
Increased chances of random fires (Discuss pls)
Would this only come in too play when there is at least 1 firefighter as if it is increased constantly it could make the server lag even more other than that they both sound good

This was already something we were thinking of. I'll leave this open so we can get more suggestions for what we could alter, so far we have:

Fishing doubled
Drug yield doubled
XP for jobs doubled
Org XP doubled
Crafting double
Additional money is added by selling items in a certain place (E.g. $2500 added for every sale in city market or Puffer) (Discuss pls)
Increased chances of random fires (Discuss pls)

"Increased chances of random fires (Discuss pls)"
Oh god yes please. I need more fires so more people go FF so i can go "Engine 1, engine 2, squad 1, squad 2, responding code to reports of a fire" on the radio.

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