Downsizing TFU

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Main Idea: Downsizing TFU Slots

Full description of the idea: To lower the slots of how many heavy gear tfu can be in duty at one time. Back in 2015 and probably even before that, there was only 2 SWAT slots and a maximum 4 if a mayor had decided to set it to that.

Why should it be added?: This should be added because it's been nearly 48 hours and the server is chaos throughout the whole day mainly because of the high amount of TFU that are always on duty. I believe there is extreme balancing issues that are occurring due to the fact that there can be like 5 TFU in HEAVY GEAR at one time and it is slowly becoming impossible to win in a shootout when there is 5 TFU with barely any kind of scaling besides general PD slots.

Pros: More Balance in shootouts
Proper reversion to pre-whitelist

Cons: Jay Hatch can't be TFU
People will have to wait a little longer to get TFU

*Other additions: Implement a small questionnaire just like officer so we can weed out people like @LP7K
Completely agree, whilst I did main cop for a long time, I can see how having more than 4 TFOs can be excessive. Those that may think that because it is commonplace for firearm units to have more than this outside of the game, it should be noted that this is a game, and there should be a degree of proportionality to it.

If this is not changed to 4 as a maximum, there should be some other kind of equaliser e.g. body armour for criminals. Leaving this in its current state is unreasonable.
I have no intention to play, during this cancer event. Ive been rdmd and warned for dcing after it. Wtf is even the point.
I think you misunderstand the point of this suggestion, this many TFOs during the 'prewhitelist trial' is complete and utter aids
It's been fun, the server feels a lot more alive because of this event and something is always going on.
Overall though, it detracts from perp being an RP server and the white list creates better RP and I dont think we can really trust unwhitelisted people in the role at all unless staff watch them at all times
I ran over @LP7K for being a mingy bastard and got in a report with @Cole who was gonna give me a warning till I showed how much this kid has been minging because he’s not getting tfu
Still less incentive for anyone to play civ or a criminal exactly what we needed with the org update. The servers just fucked. Too many salty kids making ar's and powerhungry kids as staff trying to warn and ban anyone they can. Thats why people dont play. Not because they cant get virtual armour and an m4.
@Daigestive Come on bro not that hard to sleep with at least 2 people smh. Do u think he knows about the birds and the bees?
@LP7K please go into ur demo and find where I cried. Yes I said sorry because I didn’t know little ahmed would cry over being called a bitch in LOOC LOL Pussy
I think that this is important, sometimes we have so many TFU's in action when we got crazy shootouts going on, however I have a solution for this that is slightly different from your initial idea, I'd like to see something I'd call TFU-Duty

Now how would this work?

The way this would work is simply put out a bunch of names that have TFU privileges on the server, put them on a 52 week schedule where they will go through a week by week schedule deciding wether or not they have TFU gear available for use, this would be cycled and in a random order; see example below


Green indicating that it's their week, red indicating that it's not.

Now how would this be enforced with activity? Easy, if they can't be active enough they can ask to swap weeks with an officer that has not had their TFU duty as of late. If they still cannot be active enough within these weeks they would be stripped off their ranks as they obviously do not meet the requirements to have the TFU role as this is such a vital role within the PD.
No what the fuck are u doing with this hell no
It needs some changing though for sure, 5 tfu is excessive
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