Drivers license

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As the title says, why not add a drivers license to the gamemode? This was implemented on another PERP server I played on a few years back and to be honest it worked quite well.


- People need a drivers license in order to drive a government car;
- People who are driving their own car without license are driving illegally which means they can be fined and potentially arrested by a cop;
- Cops have a tool to check peoples drivers license;

- A drivers license can be given by an admin who temporarely plays driving examinator for the person who wants to get a driving license;
- The player needs to make a request on the forum to make an appointment with an admin to do his drivers license;
- (maybe a certain fee is required to do the exam);


- Will reduce road minges and certain CDM's drastically because they first need a license to actually drive a car;
- More realism;
- More RP posibilities between cops and citizens;
- More people will use the public transport and taxies because now these jobs are utterly useless;
- Admins will learn how good there playerbase is at driving;
- Admins can take away drivers licenses for bad driving behaviour (instead of blacklisting);
- A more rewarding feeling when driving your first car legally;


Requires a lot "involvement" of the admins especially in the beginning because now there are a lot of people with a car and they will want to get their drivers license offcourse;
- (Not all people will like this)


- Players automatically lose their drivers license if they have received too many traffic tickets;
- Enforcers can do the examinator job, this will show what enforcers are actually involved with the community;
Seems like a really good idea. People could always sign up to be trained by Admins so that they can acquire this job. The person taking their test will have to pay for it (So that the instructor is paid and it's more realistic, around $5,000 or something). They have a set amount of licences in the inventory, and they can give them to people that pass, and only people that pass. Abusing this power would lead to a ban and losing the job. This would just mean that the Admin's wouldn't be so involved and could do their job as normal without the extra hassle of this.
It's good but, say you where driving away from the police or in a RP situation, and your license was removed due to getting a ticket. This could be good if implemented, but you should be able to drive without one.
Say, if you have a license the police will see it and know your a qualified driver, however if you do not have a drivers license you can be pulled over and arrested (And the car impounded). As if you have a license you can drive any car, even government cars, so stealing a car and driving it is okay if you have a license.
I think it's a great suggestion, but what I do not like is the part were you can't drive without a license. Instead you wouldn't be able to purchase a vehicle without the license. The license should be avaible for purchase ingame for around let's say 15k. It'd be more reason for cops to set up roadblocks and pull people over and actually check their license (if they have one) and also check how many times he's been pulled over because of for example speeding or recklessly driving (then of course there must be implomented a way of checking it). Then depending on how many times he's been pulled over the officer can choose to give a ticket, arrest him or even take away the drivers license (the license should be purchable for a discount at the police department). A limit of how many times he's been pulled over decides if the "take license" option should be avaible. The "take license" option should make people more scared of losing it and not be able to ride the car.(the car gets impounded untill he has bought a new license or gotten his back.
Hmm to the people who are saying you should still be able to drive without a license, I would aggree when you drive with your personal car (offcourse it's a risk you take because you don't have a license). But I would still keep the restriction on the government vehicles. Because IRL you also just don't walse in a job (that requires driving) and drive the vehicle they give you without a license, checks are done first.

As for the lagspikes, I'm not sure if that ever will be fixed ... :(
Also I'm not sure if we should let lagspikes delay this, the license exam can easely be done at industrial, since i's allways so abandoned. The losing of the license by traffic tickets is an extra btw and does not necessarily need to be added for this to work.
I think a player can drive a car without a license, but in real life, a person does not get to a car and already knows how to drive it right, I think there are many flaws to those who do not have the license
This has been debated before and the conclusion has always come to a no, but it has merits to it, but they just don't outweigh the negatives. The main problem with this in all its entirety is, if we remove it so people who do not earn this so-called license will not be able to drive, which means they have little reason to earn any money, which is sort of the whole purpose of playing. Overall it just makes the main point useless if you can never get a license to drive with. While I do think we need to do something about getting bad drivers off the road so less CDMs, I don't see this being the solution.
StephenPuffs;n3784 said:
This has been debated before and the conclusion has always come to a no, but it has merits to it, but they just don't outweigh the negatives. The main problem with this in all its entirety is, if we remove it so people who do not earn this so-called license will not be able to drive, which means they have little reason to earn any money, which is sort of the whole purpose of playing. Overall it just makes the main point useless if you can never get a license to drive with. While I do think we need to do something about getting bad drivers off the road so less CDMs, I don't see this being the solution.

Hmm I don't see why people won't get it. If they don't pass the drivers exam they shouldn't be on road either. The license can also be seen as an achievement instead of an obstacle, I remember myself being verry happy when i finally got that virtual drivers license on the server I played on a few years ago.

Also having cool cars is not the only reason why I make money to be honest.
StephenPuffs;n3784 said:
if we remove it so people who do not earn this so-called license will not be able to drive, which means they have little reason to earn any money

Don't forget that you can still illegally drive cars without a license, and that you can legally purchase cars without a license.
Changed the top suggestion post a bit, added/changed things are in green.

Illegally driving a car is a very good idea and can actually add many more RP posibilities between cops and citizens.
This would also solve the potential "I don't have reason to make money" problem
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