Employee Satisfaction Survey - 2024 Q1 Responses

Reaction score
Paralake City


This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 36 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.

Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.

Some additional commentary has been added by the Deputy Chief of Department to some responses. All pieces of feedback have been reviewed and made available to the command teams.

Forms response chart. Question title: What rank do you hold?. Number of responses: 35 responses.

How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
Forms response chart. Question title: How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?. Number of responses: 35 responses.

  • It's a different way of playing on perp and provides a decent experience.
  • PLPD is fun, there really isn't much more to it.
  • Its the best thing to do in Paralake except gambling
  • Because i think police is a great balance of comedy/action/entertainment skill. On my first days I was lucky to have back to back OR's by skilled members.
  • I feel like it is not meant for new players, so I would highly recommend that they get experience first about the game mechanics, before getting on as a police officer
  • Solid all around, but sometimes can be frustrating
  • Apart from other games like FiveM, Perpheads has one of the most in depth PD’s that’s fun and immersive

Most responses say how fun it is being an officer, and how unique the PLPD is not just inside GMOD but other games such as FiveM.
Some responses say how hard it can be for new players to start.

In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
Forms response chart. Question title: In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.. Number of responses: 36 responses.

  • My recent OR on, and promotion to dispatcher.
  • There are a lot of Police Officers online at any given time, so I don't feel like there is a whole lot of opportunity for individual recognition, especially at my low rank. I also don't feel like people are going out of their way to praise others, which is fine too. I don't fault the server or the higher ups for this revelation though. It's hard I'm sure. If I receive any praise, it's from fellow officers after a successful raid, or crime-stop.
  • Many people don't, unless it's something big then yeah it's reasonable.
  • As a Sergeant, there it is extremely rare to see any Command Members on, with the exception of the Chief and Deputy Chief. Them two praise us all the time, but the rest of the command is MIA and never on, at least when I am on (128 pop). It just seems that command members are doing the bare minimum.
  • Noticeable improvement on last quarter, particularly from cprl and sgt ranks. Ya'll deserve praise too!

Generally people feel as though they don't get much recognition beyond what they are obligated to receive by a supervisor. For example, when doing OR the obligated feedback, or when passing an application. However, overtime it seems as though this has improved from last ESS, even though there is still room for improvement.

I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
Forms response chart. Question title: I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.. Number of responses: 35 responses.

  • all the information i need and that i will ever need can be found on plpd.online on the information tab
  • Policies lack detail, law's can be semi-ambiguous.
  • Seems to be not enough handbooks, no SO/CPL Handbook. Also needs to be more examples and what to do in those situations.
  • Could be a better policy for the arrest/search and bolo warrants
    • This is being addressed
  • The info is there, its just all so hard to navigate. Think we could definitely do a better job.
  • I do feel like I am given the resources necessary for me to operate as an Officer and a Supervisor. Would be nice to see a Supervisor Section under resources like Old PLPD Online
  • Starting to prep for corporal, there doesnt seem to be a clear area for policy/guidance in the handbooks. Could possibly be improved
  • lm still officer l have to learn a lot more and then l might want a promotion

Responses stated that the new website is hard to navigate to find what users are looking for. Some responses say there could be a separate handbook for each rank, such as a Senior Officer handbook and a Corporal handbook, which is an idea we will bring to OS command.
For officers who know what to find and where to find it rated this question high and stated so in their written response.

Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
Forms response chart. Question title: Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.. Number of responses: 34 responses.

  • supervisors rarely give out ORs except for their monthly quota which is low in and of itself
  • every time i ask an supervisor they usually give me a link or answer my question kindly and calmy making sure i hnderstand
  • Most supervisor's/CPLs don't critique in ORs. They just say "nothing noted" when there is obviously stuff people can improve on.
  • There is almost always a supervisor nearby to assist. They usually show up as well if someone asks for one, which means that the ratio of officers and supervisors is really good considering that this applies even when there are few players.
  • Supervisors usually react when you need help, but otherwise it's good.
  • I've only ever witnessed a small amount of supervisors taking that role seriously, most other high ranks seem to have no interest in supporting others, just wanting the higher rank for more gear.
  • I really don't feel appreciated as a Sergeant, as no one ever gets on to evaluate us, except for the Chiefs.
  • Everytime i ask them questions they help me alot very good supervisors
  • I’ve yet to have a supervisor not assist me with anything I was unsure about or had questions about.

Quite a few responses say they have never interacted with a supervisor, and some say they only interact with supervisors when getting an Observation Report which can be hard.
A few responses say how finding a supervisor is hard due to the low number of officers ranked Sergeant or higher, and some responses say there is always at least 1 on duty.

Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
Forms response chart. Question title: Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.. Number of responses: 36 responses.

  • I'm unsure and I don't really think I've encountered these issues.
  • I feel like when I ask questions about something I don't know, at least one person is there to answer respectfully, so I voted 10.
  • help is mostly availlable from the plpd other than situations in which there is for example an raid going on and there are much more important things going on. couldnt say this is a problem, i still think the plpd is doing good in making everyone have fun
  • I feel like I can always ask someone else or over the radio if I have a question and I get a good response on what to do.
  • Always fast responding on helpdesk tickets
  • Help is delayed most of the time when needed within 24 hours.
  • I feel like the department is more focusing on punishing officers in support of criminals making complaints, instead of supporting and educating to prevent further issues.
  • Depends on the situation. If there is a Raid or Shootout, the entire PD will crack down on the location like a pack of wolves. Other than that, it's rare the situation where I request a break-in/life alert to be investigated on anywhere beyond City that gets a response. There are also situations where multiple Code-3s will be emitted in different parts of Paralake, however only 1 will be answered, however that can be excused through lack of available personnel.
  • Like stated before I’ve always been assisted with any issue/ concerns I’ve had

Responses are a mix between yes and no, and have mentioned different methods people have tried to get help. Responses also discuss a mix between getting help in situations ingame from other officers to attempting to contact command members for problems off the server.

Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
Forms response chart. Question title: Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

  • I'd rather be a PLPD officer than a criminal with no shoes on holding a phone in one hand and an AS50 in the other.
  • this would defenatelly be because of the comunity. i have memories with each and every member weather bad or good but it has always been fun here
  • I've been having a great time as a member of the PLPD. Be it taking down criminals, giving tickets for transgressions or just mediating fights between civilians, I enjoy helping out the general public in a manner I never could otherwise. While I'm still adjusting to Dispatch duty, it is also a position I've found great joy to be active on, taking a more administrative role to situations, organizing the PD forces, providing support through radio, map and CCTV cameras, and admittedly having a far more extended life expectancy.
  • i am very very very proud to be a member of the PLPD Beacause i think we help the city alot and without us the city would be doomed.

My opinions seem to count.
Forms response chart. Question title: My opinions seem to count.. Number of responses: 35 responses.

  • I don't have any reason to think otherwise at the moment.
  • Hopefully, what we say in this satisfaction survey is taken into account and not just read and ignored.
    • All responses are read by our team and passed onto the relevant people.
  • I don't think there's ever been a point where i feel my opinion counts or doesn't count.
  • Usually superior's opinions matter more.
  • I wouldnt say my opinion doesnt count but i wouldnt say there is much of a forum for opinion, would be great for a monthly 'meet with the chiefs'
    • We are working on developing this idea to see if it is feasible. Good idea!
  • When I try and voice my opinion about something, it gets shut down by everyone. It is the mentality of lets keep it the same here.
  • In almost any situation my opinion has been taken into consideration
  • like l say lf lm not doing an OR nobody cares

Responses to this question were a mix of “Yes my opinion counts” to “I’m a low ranked officer so my opinion does not count.”

What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
  • Easily the promotion to dispatcher just today.
  • Becoming TFO
  • Being able to join the RTU Division probably.
  • Receiving extra armor from the April Fools update.
  • having really good ORs and being praised for my good work
  • Me winning #StoreIt but I felt it was unfair that when they did #ReadTheRoad the winner got an award but I didnt get one for winning #StoreIt.
  • It's always fun to kill heavily armed citizens with AS50's or rifles. My best moment was sniping 2 AS50's from a long distance with the beretta when they had such an advantage.
  • Becoming nothing more than a hired gun (TFO)
  • Patrolling with new officers is always fun, they seem much more keen to play a situation out.
  • Funny moments when on duty.
  • Reinstated
  • Promo to senior and several solid ORs,
  • tfu open
  • lm learning new stuff everyday

The majority of responses were regarding obtaining observation reports.

Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.
Forms response chart. Question title: Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.. Number of responses: 36 responses.

  • As I said, I rarely interact with supervisors and when I do it's brief.
  • I wish Corporals and above were a bit more proactive in giving feedback, especially to the lower ranked newer Officers.
  • supervisors avoid ORs like the plague
  • i couldnt say most days but definitely the padt few months due to me actually maturing a bit and stop fucking around
  • I did once!
  • Usually TFU get praise for the situations, during a bank raid, when I neutralised all 4 suspects, all I got was a "well done" then died.
  • Save for the OR, not really, at least that I can recall from memory.
  • I always get VERY positive feedback from my driving, especially from jack locks, i never crash.
  • I do not really talk to alot off supervisors only iff i need help with soemthing.
  • At pretty much any scene I arrive/ conclude, a supervisor usually walks past saying hey Tony good work! And that’s hella dope

Alot of responses say they only get feedback from Observation Reports and how some Corporal ranked officers and up avoid giving OR’s.
Responses say how feedback is mostly a “good job” or a “good driving” comment.

If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
  • Providing more options for weaponry to the lower ranks, such as the M1911A1 or a patrol carbine for senior officers that requires specialist training to use (not quite TFU, but enough to stop pistol cops instantly dying).
    • Try making a suggestion!
  • Encourage people to make more videos as a cop on perp, most new cops have to learn everything via the handbook which most don't even read, only saying a few videos such as the ones Eric Jonson made would be great
    • Guides have been created in the past, but can be outdated and confusing for new officers. If anyone has videos which they have made and would like them to be promoted, make a help desk ticket to Human Resources and it can be featured in the Monthly Roundup!
  • I some what understand why the server doesn't give like 100 cops assault rifles, but at the very least, if I have to use a pistol with no sight up against assault rifles 99% of the time, I feel like my gun should do devastating damage to the chest up if not one shot. I can't confirm, but I feel like I always get hits in first on my targets and they take little to no damage despite having no body armor. Another wish would be allowing all cops to at least choose a red dot sight for their pistols.
    • Senior Officers have access to pistol sights and Corporals have access to the Remington shotgun. You can also apply for TFU to have a more fair chance.
  • probably making people act nicer
  • Reform the complaints committee.
    • If you have an idea of how this can be achieved, send a ticket to PSD
  • Give pistol cops a buff this is aids
    • Try making a suggestion!
  • "that you must have a handbook for all ranks
  • Make it a more limited role. So that there is a max amount of players that can be cops at the same time. It might already be like this, but I haven't experienced or heard that this is a thing. Sometimes there just seems to be too many cops on at the same time, especially SWAT officers which should have a limit of 3 at all times.
    • The max number of officers that can be on duty scales with the number of players on the server to make it more balanced.
  • nothing
  • A new sort of systems for the ORs, it takes a lot of work and thats why people give less ORs. (Couldnt know a better system tho)
  • More CCTVs, please. On a more serious note, I'd like for a more active training of new Officers to be placed, seeing as how there isn't really any formal training currently. At the very least, a drill on Radio Protocol and Codes.
  • Nothing The PLPD is perfect.

Is there anything else on your mind which you'd like to tell us?
  • please babes give me the M1911A1, i can't fire off enough rounds with any of the pistols before dying so I might as well do it in style.
    • Get promoted
  • i hope you have a great day!
    • I will!
  • Open TFU apps.
    • Ill ask TFU command for you.
  • Maybe
    • Perhaps
    • Make a suggestion
  • sgt is worthless
    • Sergeants are the backbone of the PD, dealing with supervisor sits, giving Observation Reports, dealing with misconduct on duty and much more!
How would you rate the Operational Services command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Operational Services command team?. Number of responses: 31 responses.

Total Score:212 Average:6.8
  • I have no complaints so far
  • lead my a true legend! i believe everything is fine with this
  • No clue I'm not that into the PD watching this unit
  • Provide more support and direction/education for those interested in other careers, not just letting them figure everything out on their own.
  • Dont know the team :(

Responses suggest a more hands on approach, such as creating guides.

How would you rate the Patrol command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Patrol command team?. Number of responses: 33 responses.

Total Score:231 Average:7.0
  • I have no complaints so far
  • again, really nice people met here and really good captain!
  • Get certain cops in check; some of them have disgusting attitudes.
  • never there
  • Some patrol cops don't understand what they are doing
  • womp womp
  • Noticeably less presence I feel as a whole, even when on duty. I do understand they have other responsibilities however. When I do see then, they are solid
  • Its very relaxing to patrol around suburbs and on the highway i dont think theres any improvements that can be done really.
  • rtu better
  • its pretty good

This section of the ESS aims to get feedback for the command team not regular officers. Most responses are about Patrol officers, not the command team.

How would you rate the Road Traffic Unit command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Road Traffic Unit command team?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

Total Score:213 Average:6.7
  • I have no complaints so far
  • i dont know much about traffic but never seen any RTU or RTT act irrational. really good work!
  • Nice Mercedes SLR.
  • Ive seen people ingame with the role and it looks liek a fun role. I also applied for it.
  • rtu is good
  • In my experience I’ve mainly just seen these officers recklessly drive around in high ends cars rather than focus on speed traps on the highway etc
  • not that many officers as RTU

Responses to this question again raise points about the officers within RTU, this section of the ESS aims to get feedback for the command team not regular officers.
Some responses claim to see officers fail to follow traffic law, if you see this then please make IA complaints on those officers.

How would you rate the Tactical Firearms Unit command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Tactical Firearms Unit command team?. Number of responses: 33 responses.

Total Score:222 Average:6.7
  • I have no complaints so far
  • great captain and great work. i like the fact that they changed the application format multiple times to avoid cheating! much effort placed into this unit! keep it up!
  • I won't let one bad egg ruin the bunch. Some of the TFU officers need to change there attitude. We understand you in TFU. Stop talking to lower officers under you like shit. If the shoe fits, wear it. You know who you are in TFU, who act like an ass to officers.
  • The Captain is active, along with his command team. Probablly the most active command team here.
  • Great Team! Looks very fun to be apart off team i personally wished i was on it and i dont think they need any improvements on the team.
  • they do great most of the time but sometimes there not even a single TFU

Most responses are rating TFU members, this section of the ESS aims to get feedback for the command team not regular officers.
Most problems with TFU raised application cycles and how long they take to open/complete.

How would you rate the Dispatch command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Dispatch command team?. Number of responses: 33 responses.

Total Score:238 Average:7.2
  • They seem to be pretty decent, but I've only been a dispatcher fully for about 3 hours now.
  • Better enforcement for officers to follow radio protocol whenever dispatch is on duty. If that doesn't happen, and dispatchers get talked over and cannot convey information, it feels way worse than just assigning ourselves to incidents as we can actively see them coming in without a dispatcher on duty.
  • When I was dispatching, the command did great, recognizing what dispatch was doing well. no issues at all.
  • HAH! There are no dispatch.
  • Higher rating now they are more active
  • open mic for life
  • I would rather patrol but i did apply for the team. Not really any improvements needed i just would rather patrol as an officer instead.
  • Great control over radio and very immersive when done properly, just wish we had more dedicated dispatchers
  • when theres a dispatch is good

Most responses vary between dispatchers being active to not active, and some saying dispatchers are active but not command.

How would you rate the Professional Standards command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Professional Standards command team?. Number of responses: 30 responses.

Total Score:222 Average:7.4
  • I have no complaints so far
  • No clue I'm not that into the PD watching this unit
  • Always friendly and always responding fast to tickets.
  • they are doing there job good too

Most responses say PSD is doing a good job. As usual, some say they dont know who the team is.

How would you rate the Internal Affairs command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Internal Affairs command team?. Number of responses: 31 responses.

Total Score:225 Average:7.3
  • I have no complaints so far
  • really nice person, shay, always nice and profesional. IA has also been doing really good latley in my oppinion!
  • I don't know anything about this team
  • I love HR
    • Wrong team…
  • Just the best
  • Never really used seen anyone on the team so yeah idk. i dont know really know the team alot so dont know what they coudl improvise
  • they are good
  • ln the only report l had they did great

Most responses either say they dont know who the team is or dont see what they do. Due to the nature of Internial Affairs work this will be true unless you get yourself involved with investigations/join IA or become a higher rank.

How would you rate the Office of the Chiefs of Department command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Office of the Chiefs of Department command team?. Number of responses: 30 responses.

Total Score:224 Average:7.5
  • I have no complaints so far
  • Hayden and John have always been nice to each and every member of the PLPD. i would like to see more people as passionate and nice as them!
  • Hayden/John is a great chief. I like when I'm dispatching and he's on Duty.
  • they should patrol with a higher rank
  • Always active and willing to help.
  • Not that much fammiliar with the team so idk sorry!
  • l dont see them often

How would you rate the Human Resources command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Human Resources command team?. Number of responses: 29 responses.

Total Score:208 Average:7.2
  • I have no complaints so far
  • always keeping us updated with surveys and thinks like that, really nice!
  • No clue I'm not that into the PD watching this unit
  • Haven't had a situation with them.
  • ?
  • Delayed answers to tickets.
  • they denied my pizza party request
  • Never heard off the team and never seen anyone on the team sorry!
  • never seen them

If you dont know who the Human Resources team are, we run this survey…

How would you rate the Development Services command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Development Services command team. Number of responses: 31 responses.

Total Score:205 Average:6.6
  • PLPD v2 is great!
  • I have no complaints so far
  • with the new look of the PLPD website i believe everyone is impressed and im honestly proud to be a member of the same comunity as sindarin and all the other members that contributed to making the new PLPD website! Really good work!!!
  • Good job with plpd v2, hope there will he a lot of updates in the near future.
  • Sindarin is great. <33
  • sindarin is so swag
  • they are doing good

Alot of issues were brought up with the current state of PLPD.online version 2, which has been relayed to the development team and will be worked on.