EMS Expansion Presentation.

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United States of America
After a fair amount of support; Here, I decided to spend a day or so putting together a little presentation of an expansion to Paralake's Emergency Medical Services team that I'd love to hear some feedback on.


Paralake, and Perpheads alone are a very progressive community. We have come so far from the simple stages of Evocity all the way to the third rendition of Paralake. In this potential addition to our community, we would be changing the, "Medic," job to five different individual jobs that would have similar functionality to the Police Department. Amongst those five jobs, three of which would be higher ranking positions while two of which would be obtainable by anyone. This addition would include changes to Job Outfits, In-Game Rank additions, Possible changes to vehicles such as adding certain wording onto the sides of the Ambulance and First Responder Vehicles along with a possible addition of a new vehicle. This update to the current Emergency Medical Services system is designed to help improve functionality and efficiency within the field of being a Medic.

The new ranking system would be as follows.

  • In-Charge of the Paralake Emergency Medical Services.
  • Has access to the Full Size Ambulance, First Responder Ambulance, and (potentially a Paramedical Captain's vehicle?).
  • Possible name to be EMS Captain?
  • Captain Jumper.
  • - Paramedic Insignia / Captain Insignia.
  • - Three stack Chevron.
  • - "PARAMEDIC" Patch on back.
  • - White gloves.

Paramedic Supervisor (Or something of equal ranking):
  • Has access to the Full Size Ambulance and the First Responder Ambulance.
  • Granted by a Captain. (Application Required.)
  • Paramedic Supervisor Jumper.
  • - Paramedic Insignia.
  • - Two stack Chevron.
  • - "PARAMEDIC" Patch on back.
  • - Blue gloves.

Senior Paramedic:
  • Has access tot he Full Size Ambulance and the First Responder Ambulance.
  • Granted by a Captain.
  • Senior Paramedic Jumper.
  • - Paramedic Insignia.
  • - Single stack Chevron.
  • - "PARAMEDIC" Patch on back.
  • - Blue gloves.

  • Has access to the Full Size Ambulance and the First Responder Ambulance.
  • Achieved by acquiring a certain amount of time (?) Some way of gaining experience. Possibly a test, like the one you take when you first go to join a job. (In-game test). Maybe have it so you choose between whether you want to be Paramedic or EMT upon joining the job so you choose between full size and first responder ambulances for specific jobs?
  • Paramedic Jumper.
  • - Paramedic Insignia.
  • - "PARAMEDIC" Patch on back.
  • - Blue gloves.

  • Has access to the First Responder Ambulance only.
  • Default Job, requires nothing but to sign-up.
  • EMT Jumper.
  • - EMT Insignia.
  • - Blue gloves.

EMT Insignia:
Paramedic Insignia:


Forum Rank Cards:




At the end of the day, although this feels like a lot, which truthfully it is, it's something that will be greatly benefiting our community if it is added. I designed this new layout for the Medic Job for the sole purpose of improving the effectiveness and overall general functioning of the job itself. It's made to essentially do what the Police Department Update did, which is to increase coordination, efficiency, and reduce things such as poor Medic-Roleplay which actually plays a rather large part in the Government system of Perpheads. I'd love to hear your guy's feedback and see what there is to improve. Hopefully this system, or one similar can be implemented in the future :)!

Kind regards,
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Why do you have to focus around the paramedics? How about you get a "Doctor" rank in there. It would add more Medical RP than just go somewhere, revive a dead guy, and maybe heal them. What if you brought people who were hurt back to the hospital to be treated by a doctor (If there was one on-duty) And then brought people who had been knocked unconscious back to the hospital to look over them, and see if they needed further treatment or not?
Maybe get a system where you can stabillize somebody's condition by putting an unconscious body in the back of an ambulance, and then take them to the hospital to be revived instead?
A lot more realistic medical system there fam.
Me and Fredy have been discussing something like this for a while.

You have detailed the ranks but what will they actually do? I already have a google docs with a bunch of idea's about what the different ranks could do but I would love to here what you could come up with.

(Just to let you know, those rank names are terrible, but that's not a problem lul)
Insignia... i thought that you're talking about the car...
I'm not sure that this will work after all but you can try to do it! Just ask some people ( And Staff ) to help you.
I'd love to help and support this idea. This is an amazing opportunity to open up some passive role-play.
I have a few ideas:
  • Taking blood tests
  • Stretchers
  • Broken bones
  • Vaccines
  • Diseases ; Malaria, Ebola
  • Concussion / Head injuries - after being hit by a vehicle, people may experience dizziness at times?
More to come - will update this constantly.
I love the idea. I hope it gets accepted!

(Maybe we can sort out @LordTyla 's brain - Geography Skills 10/10)
i would love this idea, but maybe add more ranking say like, a first aid trained officers or something like that, to get more of the police involved and or have voluntary work with the citizens of paralake
In regards to @Johnsontucker as stated by @Alabin what we're going for is to take this one step at a time. Obviously there is much more to implement into this in order to finalize it, but just dumping that all at once to be put in is nothing short of useless. If we were to just unload everything into one update it would change and alter many things. It also wouldn't be perfected. My idea of what was to be done is to have it broken down into stages, escalating into more difficult stages as we progress. Now currently this would be the First Stage, as it's the easiest to get started with and it's more or less the basis for anything to come in the future. Implementing a ranking system creates grounds to build off of. So let's say in the future, we choose to add say a new tool or update something and we wanted it to be only available to specific people, similar to how the Forced Search feature is only available to high ranking officers, we could implement it into certain ranks that were already there. If you'd so like, I can create a planmap to figure out everything and I mean everything to come in future updates. However, this again is just a proposal to add what I listed in the Original Post as essentially a, "Kick-off," to the EMS Update. This will basically get it started easily and professionally. If you have any ideas, please leave them here; I'm glad to hear anything you have to add to my suggestion.
These were the EMT ranks we had on the biggest RP server within US Arma 3 RP Atleast. (City Life)

EMT (This is where u start your training)
Prob. EMT. (You have finnished your training)
Adv. EMT (you are a full trained EMT)
Paramedic. (This is just one step above Advanced, you get another vehicle bla bla)
EMS Lieutenant (Here you will to stuff, traning for the EMT and Prob EMT etc)
EMS Captain (You make sure everything is okay under you)
EMS Director (This will keep the Captain in place etc.)
Asst. Director (Just the second cheif of EMT really)
Director (Cheif of EMS)

These are just a few lol, we had S&R aswell, then Fire Department. Which was all in one.

Those ranks can be changed etc, but im just coming with some examples of ranks.

If u want further explination let me know lol.
Right, I do like this idea of having ranks within a department however I would want to make sure that it's like the PLPD. I would want it to you can still become a paramedic even if you're not whitelisted. Overall I love this idea and I think it would be a great addition to the server!