Entering and Exiting Cars

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Similarly to equipping and un-equipping weapons, a delay and loading bar should be created each time someone tries to enter and exit a vehicle.

However, differently to that of weapons, a cancel button should be added to allow the person to cancel the act of entering or exiting the vehicle; when the button is used, instead of cancelling immediately, the timer should reverse. For example, if entering the car takes about 3 seconds (which sounds good to me - the same for exiting), and the player presses cancel after 1 second, the loading bar should remain on the screen, but move in the opposite direction, taking 1 second to completely cancel.

When someone enters or exits a car, a loading icon should be shown above the person and the car that that person is entering or exiting so that other players can see; alternatively, and more ideally, there should be an animation, but I don't believe this is possible, yet.

If the car is involved in an accident, perhaps it should take twice as long to exit the car; however, the occupant(s) will probably die, but if a car exploded/caught fire in real life that quickly, the occupant(s) would probably die anyway.


Prevents people from unrealistically 'jumping-into' a car and driving away instantly; same with exiting a car and running away instantly.

Promotes realism.
Sad as it may sound, we wrote about 50 page of ideas when we started out, and this idea was never really thought of. It may have been there somewhere, but wasn't discussed at least.
I like this idea and I think it doesn't have any fatal flaws. Instead of an animation, since giving the characters new animations has proven to be very hard (Yes, I've tried), we could simply have a open car door sound, some leather sound and then a slam sound in the end.
I think you're trying to push "realism" too far.
Yes, it would make it more "realistic" but would it be more fun?

If you're pushing for the "realism" factor maybe you should make it so guns don't explode cars anymore. Make it so people can scale fences and climb on top of cars onto the roofs of buildings. Make it so people can have a sniper during a bank robbery. Make it so SWAT can shoot through the walls of the bank. Make it so people can prank call the police. Make it so it takes weeks and weeks of team work to craft a pistol using expensive machinery. Make it so ammunition is traceable to the gun it was fired from. Make it so dogs can sniff drugs on people and have them confiscate all of the drugs in their inventory. Make it so people can lose their keys for their cars and have to wait 24 hours while the locksmith cuts another set. Make it so people can crack the screen on their phone and have to purchase a new one. Make it so people's car engines can sometimes take 5 minutes to start on a cold morning. Make it so a fireman takes hours upon hours to put out a house fire.

I got carried away, but these are all examples of realism which could be added but would destroy gameplay.
How does this enhance the gameplay for this server?

Think about what your playerbase wants the server to be and not what you want it to be.
Dye;n1709 said:
I think you're trying to push "realism" too far.
Yes, it would make it more "realistic" but would it be more fun?

If you're pushing for the "realism" factor maybe you should make it so guns don't explode cars anymore. Make it so people can scale fences and climb on top of cars onto the roofs of buildings. Make it so people can have a sniper during a bank robbery. Make it so SWAT can shoot through the walls of the bank. Make it so people can prank call the police. Make it so it takes weeks and weeks of team work to craft a pistol using expensive machinery. Make it so ammunition is traceable to the gun it was fired from. Make it so dogs can sniff drugs on people and have them confiscate all of the drugs in their inventory. Make it so people can lose their keys for their cars and have to wait 24 hours while the locksmith cuts another set. Make it so people can crack the screen on their phone and have to purchase a new one. Make it so people's car engines can sometimes take 5 minutes to start on a cold morning. Make it so a fireman takes hours upon hours to put out a house fire.

I got carried away, but these are all examples of realism which could be added but would destroy gameplay.
How does this enhance the gameplay for this server?

Think about what your playerbase wants the server to be and not what you want it to be.
some of those ideas i kind of like...

you should make it so guns don't explode cars anymore. - just disable and have to get towed to designated repair spot.
Make it so people can prank call the police. - we can't do this already? i do it when the server is mostly empty to give that one cop something to chase and bring in for a role played questioning.
Make it so ammunition is traceable to the gun it was fired from. - this could be a new class ingame, detective...
Make it so people can crack the screen on their phone. - if killed and revived, a crack in the phone would be a nice addition, some still work with the cracks in them
Make it so people's car engines can sometimes take 5 minutes to start on a cold morning. - would be interesting on times when the server is snowing...

(note i am new to server and i am using ideals i have learned in other perp servers)

back on main topic, it would help stop people who jump in their car when being shot at then hop out to unload at you when you are reloading from trying to blow up their car.

while i agree that too much realism can destroy a server, too little will destroy the seriousness of the roleplay in the server.
Dye;n1709 said:
these are all examples of realism which could be added but would destroy gameplay.
How does this enhance the gameplay for this server?

At this point in time, people are able to instantly enter and exit vehicles regardless of what is going-on around them, which is detrimental to gameplay.

For example: people often jump into a car when someone is trying to kill them, and are next to them; people can jump-out of a car and run, instantly, when someone is just outside the car; Police can stop a car, the driver can leave the car, but then can re-enter it AND drive away instantly; etc. All of these examples are not specifically against the rules, but are ALL detrimental to gameplay.

There isn't a reason not to do this.
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