Evocity V2 Map change (Just a thought don't kill me)

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Main idea: Switching EVENTUALLY to evocity v2

So this is completely and spit balled idea so I don't want people roasting me (you can roast the idea all you want). I have played on Paralake before and I love it and it goes very well with the community. The owners and operators of this server have also done and amazing job optimizing it and customizing it to fit into their wants and needs (Hats off for that).

I know the map para lake is quiet large (not huge but big enough to have some feel of distance). With a large player base for most of the day this does seem to get chaotic at times due to a a dense downtown area but it is manage able.

Why I think Evo City v2 could be a great change is it is muchhh larger and has great potential for many new experiences. Gives lots of new areas and can be beneficial for newer players to be able to spread out and not be jammed into obvious low income areas (there still are apts and stuff downtown and such). This could lead to more need for more rp communication and patroling needs for police departments due to the large span of area which could lead to more intense role play waiting for back up and such.

Yes I know this would be a huge change but it could be a good one and I know it may make server side workers angry having to lose or re implement custom jobs to this map. But I know serious Rp servers used to use this server a lot so there must be some good reasoning behind it.

I would like to hear anyone's opinions and maybe people who have been on this map like I have =).

(It is not the classic v33 map people are used to seeing in the server list btw the v2 map is a completly different map and probs twice as large as para lake)

Pros: [list of positive aspects]
+ Much more room for larger player base
+More structures for homes (more variety)
+Could increase rp all around especially for govt
+Could allow for new job types to be implemented
+(Can't really think of more atm that dont touch on what ive already said)
+public transport could be revived for those without cars needing to get places
Cons: [list of negative aspects]
- Large map to travel for those who dont have cars (+ could create better implementation of public transport though)
-para lake has already been customized and optimized so would be a big change
-Large map may be too large when server loads are low
-map may be hard to update with new things from para lake (idk im not a coder)
-map may be un optimized (again idk)
-(feel free to add stuff)
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I doubt this map will suit the current playerbase. I personally am a big fan of paralake if a server which uses the map has the right playerbase for it. And i think Evocity is way , but waaaaaaaaay too small for the current playerbase. Also evocity just wont match the HUD and what not. I'm very much used to Paralake and i think that more people are loving the Paralake vibes, theres alot of hiding spots for example police chases , huge properties and a lovely highway. I think we should leave it for what it is and not focus on the map.
I doubt this map will suit the current playerbase. I personally am a big fan of paralake if a server which uses the map has the right playerbase for it. And i think Evocity is way , but waaaaaaaaay too small for the current playerbase. Also evocity just wont match the HUD and what not. I'm very much used to Paralake and i think that more people are loving the Paralake vibes, theres alot of hiding spots for example police chases , huge properties and a lovely highway. I think we should leave it for what it is and not focus on the map.
Its not v33 not that map it is acompletely differnt map it is probs 2 times bigger than para lake
[DOUBLEPOST=1518031397,1518030197][/DOUBLEPOST]I would like peoples input too if you can I added a video in case people never saw
1 thing i like about this is that driving in that map would be much better than it is now in the current paralake map due to its size. Roads in Evocity are way longer therefore you can really take advantage of the fast cars on perp
1 thing i like about this is that driving in that map would be much better than it is now in the current paralake map due to its size. Roads in Evocity are way longer therefore you can really take advantage of the fast cars on perp
agreed this map is huge if you watch the video so much more room for exploration and possibilities
Paralake is built for PERPHeads though. XQ has complete control over the map and most of its assets, he can change pretty much anything that needs to be changed at will and currently I can't really think of anything that needs to be changed. Except for those little wedges that stick out on the highway, they piss me off so much.
What you probably don’t know is, paralake is our own map, that caters perfectly to server needs, made by our lord and savior @Xquality. It’s a much better option obviously, as paralake is updated yearly and can be changed to fit stuff added to the server while eco can’t.
Paralake is built for PERPHeads though. XQ has complete control over the map and most of its assets, he can change pretty much anything that needs to be changed at will and currently I can't really think of anything that needs to be changed. Except for those little wedges that stick out on the highway, they piss me off so much.
Im not saying anything is bad I was just curious what people thought about it since it is a cool large map. It was just a spitball idea haha
What you probably don’t know is, paralake is our own map, that caters perfectly to server needs, made by our lord and savior @Xquality. It’s a much better option obviously, as paralake is updated yearly and can be changed to fit stuff added to the server while eco can’t.
Ahh ok yeah I guess it would be dumb to leave the map litteraly made by the community just thought it was an idea since it is an awesome map and very big
I personally agree with this however when senior staff made a "legacy server" which was just the old perpheads server on evocity for memorabilia reasons, people played for a day then fucked off and never returned, just shows people don't like the map enough anymore. It's used on too many servers and would in my opinion ruin perp, just make it more boring.
I personally agree with this however when senior staff made a "legacy server" which was just the old perpheads server on evocity for memorabilia reasons, people played for a day then fucked off and never returned, just shows people don't like the map enough anymore. It's used on too many servers and would in my opinion ruin perp, just make it more boring.
the old one i posted the video on?? or the new v33 evo city. i dont see anyone using this map I posted
Here is a view of the xyz grids (top, side, side views) of the Evocity2_v5p map:

And here is Paralake_v4:

While evocity2 does have roads that go under the map which make it seem bigger, it is in reality not bigger than paralake. It's just an illusion. Paralake utilizes the whole grid space while evocity2 doesn't even come close.

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