Expandable Organisation Limit

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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/org-player-limit.33334/#post-273051

Main Idea: Expandable Organisation Limit

Full description of the idea: Make it so the organisation limit is expandable by paying for 5 more slots at a time. It can be through the organisation bank balance so that it actually has a purpose or it can be through the owner paying for it. Make the true cap like 200 or infinite.

Why should it be added?: I have more than 15 friends that would have liked to be in my organisation, I also think this is the middle ground between people that want an org limit and people that don't. Kind regards.

- Prevents [low effort] zerg orgs
- Have more than 15 friends

- You can still technically have an OP org its just harder to achieve
We really need 15+ org slots, its so stupid to have 3 orgs but work together to achieve 45+ member :cat:
It's way better if you have one big org tbh, Please get back more slotsssss
If so those slots should not be permanent and disappear after a while, kicking the members that took up those slots. The new update was good in the sense that raiding and stuff got much more enabled now when there are not 20 people basing in Projex or something like that.
The point of the update is so that 50 people arent in the same base, meaning that some raids are actually possible, rather than most raids turning into a shitfest.
The whole point of the org limit is to make it so that there arent any zergs maybe making the org limit bigger rather than allowing people to buy slots is a better idea (maybe like 20 people)
They are already working on organisation changes as @Ayjay has stated mutiple times. Just wait and see what those are before suggesting anything at the moment would be the best course of action in my opinion.
Having organisations consist of unlimited players rather than a capped number is inherently bad, this has been proven by organisations with
huge player counts like your own @Alyt. Organisation warfare has somewhat been replaced by giant groups of people sharing bases, raiding together and doing other illegal activities. This causes a massive disbalance throughout the game mode, causing smaller organisations to be fundamentally penalised as they make little match for groups of 20, 30 or sometimes even more. We've introduced this cap quite simply to see how it goes, 15 was the number we settled on (not too few, not too many), although we're always open to suggestion of altering this limit. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe for a second that this fixes all issues related to 'zergs' but it's definitely a step in the right direction. We plan on releasing more mechanics / rules in order to negate any attempts to work around this limit. But for now, it will certainly be a strain on communication for groups that wish to do this.

As for other ways to expand your limit, I'm really not sure. I'm personally not a fan of giving those who wish to pay, the chance to obtain more firepower. This just surely puts us in the same position as before? Those who have more money would become more powerful, and those who are more powerful generally get more money... the cycle continues. I do have an open mind, but I've just not seen a convincing argument for this as of yet.

We've talked briefly about plans of reforming organisations in a future update, allowing more incentives whilst doing organisation related activities. I believe this will certainly improve the dynamic or organisations, and also push people more toward org v org warfare which has been missing from the game mode for a very long time.

I hope this explains some of our intentions, and I hope that it's understood why we actually released a limit.
But for now, it will certainly be a strain on communication for groups that wish to do this.

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