FBI job

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This would be awesome, and they should also be able to change ur character model to make yourself look like a different job model and go undercover. +Support
That doesn't really tell me much. I mean first question I have is simply "why would we add this?" because I don't know what you expect the FBI to do exactly. You need to elaborate more on why exactly you would want this, what the benefits are, what they would do, etc.

P.S. Next time pick a better title for the thread, like this should be something along the lines of "New job: FBI"
StephenPuffs said:
That doesn't really tell me much. I mean first question I have is simply "why would we add this?" because I don't know what you expect the FBI to do exactly. You need to elaborate more on why exactly you would want this, what the benefits are, what they would do, etc.

P.S. Next time pick a better title for the thread, like this should be something along the lines of "New job: FBI"
You will be undercover agent and if any one does crime like bank robbery or something you saw it you tell the officers where did he go his location and what his car looks like, and it would be fun.
AlienXeno said:
This would be awesome, and they should also be able to change ur character model to make yourself look like a different job model and go undercover. +Support
Suits should be perfect =)
AlienXeno said:
This would be awesome, and they should also be able to change ur character model to make yourself look like a different job model and go undercover. +Support
Suits should be perfect =)
StephenPuffs said:
That doesn't really tell me much. I mean first question I have is simply "why would we add this?" because I don't know what you expect the FBI to do exactly. You need to elaborate more on why exactly you would want this, what the benefits are, what they would do, etc.

P.S. Next time pick a better title for the thread, like this should be something along the lines of "New job: FBI"
To be honest with how indiscreet the model you presented looks, it is quite obvious you aren't undercover. Also this doesn't seem like it'd have enough practicality to it, since regular citizens should be giving this info to police as part of RP. I'm still not seeing how this job is really a necessary addition or how it would be worth how much the city would need to pay these people. Mostly seems like an AFK way to obtain money, having to blacklist enough people for AFKing SWAT and other jobs as it is.
StephenPuffs said:
That doesn't really tell me much. I mean first question I have is simply "why would we add this?" because I don't know what you expect the FBI to do exactly. You need to elaborate more on why exactly you would want this, what the benefits are, what they would do, etc.

P.S. Next time pick a better title for the thread, like this should be something along the lines of "New job: FBI"
They should have the option to disguise yourself as a different player model
-support the FBI job its like te Secret Agent!
and the FBI needs to pay to put this job on the server so -support sorry:(
afonso003 said:
-support the FBI job its like te Secret Agent!
and the FBI needs to pay to put this job on the server so -support sorry:(
I will pay for it......
afonso003 said:
-support the FBI job its like te Secret Agent!
and the FBI needs to pay to put this job on the server so -support sorry:(
Cophyright its a fucking shit. :D

EDIT: dont ban-me for the language plz :D
afonso003 said:
-support the FBI job its like te Secret Agent!
and the FBI needs to pay to put this job on the server so -support sorry:(
Thnx Namesinsane and also i am gonna pay for it :D
I'm still completely confused by what is really wanted in this thread, it's like you want an undercover agent, but all their job is, is to report things that civilians should be anyways... Am I missing something?
I agree, the FBI in my head isn't necessary for the server because it is like other jobs and the models don't look like they are under cover
Plain clothes police officer instead? Perhaps you can get normal clothes and get an unmarked car out, then patrol in that. FBI is a bit cheesy.
You just could change it cloths and when like you knock on someone door and he says who is it and then you say i want to search your house sir if he says no you get badge out and show it to him then he will run or open the door for you.
Liam... Just like police, they would not be allowed to randomly search people's property. You would still need a warrant with evidence. Also if you think people will let you inside their house when you are undercover, you are more than likely wrong. Most people only let their friends in or friends of friends, so I doubt you'd ever be allowed in, and even if you were, you can report illegal drugs to police as a citizen, having undercover cops to my mind doesn't serve enough of a purpose. The reason police patrol is to keep people remembering that they are being watched at all times and should not break the law.
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