Fire officer? What the fish?!

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Rzeszów, Poland
This is whom I, another S.W.A.T. officer, one police officer and 2 civilians saw today.

He's a police officer. He's a firefighter. He's a FIRECOP!



He walked to PD from the parking lot ramp with 2 civilians and 1 police officer following him. About half a minute after taking the second screenshot he disappeared or disconnected. That's all I know.

It's legit. Ask Nasul or someone else you see in the chatbox.
Lol, that's interesting, I'll chock it up to something screwing up somewhere in GMod for now. If it happens again please post, and try asking the person details as to why it might have occurred if they're forthcoming about it.
And after the Firecop and the Medicop, here comes the Firecitizen.


He was a citizen with the suit of a Firefighter.
I see a lot of this happen after lag spikes, players will either go invisible or any ol' sweater vest could be running about with a battering ram or night stick, and cops are walking about with machetes. It's a funny sight.
I like how in most pictures of these MediFireCivCop it says in the chat take pictures. Is there some kind of ghost or spirit that controls them? Does this have something to do with illuminati bursting into the server and making it fuck up? I mean there are alot of situatoins where the is the lag spike and all the sudden the server freezes, maybe when it happends were not conscious about what happends when the freeze happends, maybe there are spirits controlling the world while were frozen, maybe they just hold us in for an apparent reason, maybe someone in the server belongs to illuminati!