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Suggeston:make fires start randomy.

Short explanation.
Every once in a while a building should have 1 tile of fire spawned.

Detailed description

Firefighter is boring and adding "electrical" fires should help.
Plain Annoying,
Will Lag the server out like hell,
You have drugs in slums, you go out for a drive, you come back, fire everywhere, you rage, the FF arrive, they put out the fire, police arrive, they see your drugs, you are arrested, you shout a bunch of horrible things in OOC, you send a /report claiming "This is bullshit, my house caught fire for no fucking reason." the person who eventually responds replies: "Sorry, it's part of the server, electrical fires and such."
you are put in jail by a police officer who keeps hitting you with the black & white dildo, you D/C as soon as you are in jail, you do not re-join for ages...

Another suggestion like this was posted not even 24 hours ago.

Also,it doesn't matter if this may be realistic. It may ruin the experience, and that is not something that is wanted. Imagine this:
I am growing drugs in my bathroom. I decide to go AFK for 5 minutes to go to the toilet, or watch some videos while waiting. All of a sudden, a fire starts in the bathroom, or in the room I am in. My drugs will either be completely destroyed, or free for anyone to take.

I would not want this.

How is it realistic, random fires appearing?
I mean, if there was a good reason or so for it to happend. You can speak it out with an admin or so to make it for you.
However this isn't realistic at all if they just appear out of nowhere.
Let me share a brief story with you of the RP I did yesterday.

I owned a home in the suburbs which I had decorated using a combination of props and dropped items as to make it look very nice. I placed my shotgun (Remington 870), that I would need if a situation arose, on the dresser in my bedroom so everything was all nice and beautiful. I then started thinking about all these ideas about random fires and such, so as being owner I checked the scoreboard and saw there were actually two firefighters on. At this point I decided, ah hell, let's torch the place, so I placed multiple fuel cans down and threw a molotov into the middle of it. Reporting to police that I smelled a gas leak the first time, and then a gas line rupture after they started to explode. Police responded rather quickly to my reports of explosions and radioed in that firefighters were needed (even though I said this in my call). The entrance to my house was blocked off by fire so police were unable to enter at this time, after a minute or two the firecrew arrived and promptly put out the fire which I was most appreciative of. Police then decided to walk inside and inspect my property, the area near my bedroom was clear of any char marks so I don't believe fire ever reached over there, however police went into my bedroom regardless of this and one of which confiscated my shotgun. The officer who was with him was telling him not to, however when I allowed back into my house the officer who tried to not take my shotgun told me that they needed it for evidence. How this was evidence of anything considering my house was simply on fire and there were no bullet holes or signs of homicide in my house I do not know. So I approached the officer who took my shotgun saying it was my family heirloom and that it was priceless, he had no valid reason as to why he took it. I asked for his badge number and name, the only response I would get to this is "no thanks". Quickly afterward both officers would depart, so I called the lieutenant about this officer's actions as I heard the other calling him "_____"
(name hidden for anonymity) Explaining to the lieutenant what had happened he quickly got on the radio and started calling for officer "_____" to come to my house but instead this officer quickly resigned knowing that he was about to face the music for what he had done. Afterward the lieutenant could do nothing against this officer really, so he got away without any punishment per se.
(Side note: All my dropped items either burnt up in the fire or were taken by firefighters or police as well)

Because this was just a test to see what would happen I didn't chase down the persons responsible OOCly for any administrative action, but it showed me that if there were a such thing as the random fires in which you suggest, it would just result in chaos in general. I lost probably around $1500 in items + the shotgun because of people simply seizing the opportunity for free items, although there was no legitimate reason to take any of it. I can only imagine that random fires would result in exactly the same type of things happening.

Not to mention even with this firefighters probably would not be occupied too often, and so you'd just end up with fires everywhere with no one to put them out. Not a very good thing if you ask me.
I can totally - Support this idea. I know that there aren't call out 24/7 myself in real life (that is why I suggested a volunteered FD but that is another story) but if you want to let FFs have a job just make over exsgerated calls like we have. For example, my Pager rings with the message "Alarm Fire Brigade Bruderhof, structure/building fire, B2 room fire." But in the end, it was just burnt dishes. So make the rp yourself and not let a bloody systems which torches places on fire randomly (kinda excessive negativity IMO) around the map. Please scratch your idea, it doesn't help anything to RP as you claim and also just to add up, make the Firefighter job interesting for yourself! Decorate your fire house and maybe have some RP like driving around and asking people if they want their building to be checked to make sure it's no hazard for fires or FFs in an emergency. Think of that for a second please.

Can you imagine your house randomly started burning in real?
Well, this shouldn't be added to roleplay. It will just ruin everything.
There is already a suggestion about this on the same page:

Also a thing to note, that would contradict the argument said by @StephenPuffs , is that the random fires should only start in the "model" houses (non purchasable ones) and the dumpsters that are located around the map.

I feel that this would be great when there is so often so little for the fire department to do. We always talk about more legal ways to earn money. Of course the random fires shouldn't be every 3 minutes or so, but just enough as to not make you sit on your behind for an eternity doing nothing.
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As the OP has not responded to serious concerns, and the widespread negative support, this idea and others regarding random fires will be denied unless a decent solution to problems raised in this and other similar threads.
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