FlushyTube Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Fredy
How long were you banned for: Permerant

Your Steam Name
: FlushyTube
Your In-game Name: Duncan Walker
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54239451

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans): Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered: Lets start off with the day I got banned. I felt really down about something that made me an idiot that day. I did not care what I did and the same day that the ban has occurred I messed up loads of things one example is losing friends. I was being a total cunt to everyone who I knew. My friends were saying that I have changed and apparently I was being a total cunt.

Then I started missing perpheads and I did not play Garry's Mod much after I have got banned from perpheads and life was really getting boring because I did not play any other games.

I started relisting how much of an idiot I was and then I decided to ban evade. The next day of ban evading @Samuel found out that I was ban evading and was asking questions about me ban evading like "Do you know Duncan Walker" etc. He has asked me to make a ban appeal and then banned my alt. I lied to him at first but then I have decided to admit it since it was the right thing to do.

I was a member of the perpheads community for years and I'm starting to miss my friends that I have met on perpheads and miss the rest of the perpheads community. Playing perpheads has made me less lonely in the past I am very sorry in advanced for cheating and this will not happen again. I am sorry for letting the community down.

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