For the horde

Crossroads is best Horde leveling area+old Crossroads General chat. I frequently played both factions but theres something better about the leveling areas for the Horde in general+Tauren are best race and starting area yes?
say that to the money you spend boosting an alliance character SKID

i don't know when or why you switched but you can take you're shitty allied races and bugger off
Horde is better all the way, we always win pvp, FOR THE HORDE
say that to the money you spend boosting an alliance character SKID

i don't know when or why you switched but you can take you're shitty allied races and bugger off

at least im close to unlocking them NERD
Crossroads is best Horde leveling area
It was for ganking low level noobs with an ally raid back in vanilla / tbc / WotLK. Git gud plebs
at least im close to unlocking them NERD
Not having unlocked them all yet. LUL
Are people on PH just bad at wow or what?

add me btw aeren201#1964
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Did you not read the comics that were published or something before Legion's release?
You truly get to see that he is not Anduin, but MANduin and he can really kick some ass, same with the BfA trailer

Fair enough but I still dig the lore for the banshee queen more
MANduin is literally destined to save Azeroth, while Sylvanas is just being a bitch and only really cares about her own survival

yeah but she did try and kill herlsef and you know what they say you always wanna be like your heroes
and sorry mr imperial but the only person destined to save azeroth is your troll druid boi exrobite formerly known as dogmanslim