Server Suggestion Reduce max cop slots

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Suggestion Title: Reduce max cop slots
Suggestion Description: Reduce the maximum cop slots (and scale) to 18 rather than 25

Why should this be added?:
- When the server is full and there are 20+ cops on, it doesnt matter how many people you are raiding with, crime is just impossible.

- Especially with the amount of TFU reaching nearly 100 now, there is consistently 3-6 TFU on duty at all times which is more than enough for a somewhat balanced shootout where it is still fun for both sides without the horde of pistol cops to accompany them.

- I'd also argue that 6-7 TFU on duty at once is too much, given the recent flashbang buff which makes them even more of a threat than their 200HP, AWP, ACOGs and TFU Van.

- More balanced shootouts, not just cod zombies simulator and cops will have to use a bit more of their brain during shootouts rather than just sprinting at the enemy in a horde and hoping their shots connect (which always works).

- Possible FPS improvement from less lights around the map and a shitfest worth of cop cars outside a raid all with lights on?

What negatives could this have?:
- People might not be able to get on duty as often as they'd like however this would encourage more RP elsewhere or force players to make money in an alternative/risky way or form new organizations on the server for some more civilian RP.

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Not really. Huge difference when you have organisations of select members that are actually good and the government organisation, which would start a civil war with itself if it could, since it can't communicate for shit.
Have you seen our organisation? We are considered the best org in the server with regards to shooting, yet we raid with no more than 4 people at a time as we will only ever have about 4 people online at any given moment (if that). We have 12 members overall and half of which are inactive or can only play on certain days of the week.

Simple solution to what you have said above - teach the PD better communication and tactics to compete with the better organisations, do not create a zerg. This is not Rust!
the current state of the PD on the server is terrible tho, for the average raider(s) 4-6 the chances of surviving is little to zero.

20 cops (6 TFU - 1 shot snipers) vs 15 max member org with 1 shot guns they pay 50k for?

do you remove the org member cap? or remove the NLR rule so civs can return to raids..

removing org cap would lead to they being one super power org that just dominates the server zerging PD from every angle?

for me, they need to lower the cap and at least try it, because crim on the server right now is just not fun.
Whilst all of you guys have been mentioning pistol cops, light tfos, heavy tfos, we’re also forgetting the many many remi cops that rush up stairs like the flash and hipfire 1tap you
Now you’re cooking with gas, Remington limit might not be a bad idea soldier…
Have you seen our organisation? We are considered the best org in the server with regards to shooting, yet we raid with no more than 4 people at a time as we will only ever have about 4 people online at any given moment (if that). We have 12 members overall and half of which are inactive or can only play on certain days of the week.

Simple solution to what you have said above - teach the PD better communication and tactics to compete with the better organisations, do not create a zerg. This is not Rust!
Teach a group of people that continously changes communication. Everybody is complaining, yet no solutions
Totally agree with what you're saying, the only way to clearly identify if there is an issue is for someone to collate the data concentrating on peak times (@TinySlayer ), though given his previous responses to the monthly "Cops OP nerf TFU" thread, I have a feeling the answer won't have changed since then.
Tbf its nothing about the data. I'm not debating that this has been denied before but now that the org nerfs have been added, flashbangs have been buffed, the server is constantly busy and the majority of players are cop mains (not to mention the 100 TFOs the PD now has = 3-5 TFU on duty pretty much at all times) This change is needed. Back when ASDA was a thing before the org nerfs with 3 orgs all ganging up on the PD using 5 AS50s every shootout, the slots made for balanced gameplay, however now with the org nerfs and the dynamic of crim RP on the server, it's 20+ vs 3-5 people which is ridiculous. As I said before on this thread, if cops are seen to be losing to a handful of civs when they have 6 TFOs and another 18 pistol/remi cops (which are scarier than TFU imo) then it's a skill issue for the players, not a call for more slots to be added because the people playing cop cant aim for shit.

We're all gonna have different opinions on this, but the only people im seeing replying negatively to this thread are people that I've never seen have a shootout AGAINST cops in their life. I didn't make this thread for it to turn into a statistics battle, it was to gauge opinions on whether there are too many slots or not, Whether they're being used 2% of the time or 100% of the time.
I don't see the problem with tfu but cops slots yes fuck me you see the whole counter terrorism team then or navy seals
And yet you all still dominate cops 24/7 and call them zombies... Somehow with all these 'nerfs' or PD 'buffs' nothing has change! Whats the point in doing a debuff beyond making your lives slightly easier! Stop denying all feedback by saying "OMG PEOPLE WHO DISSAGREE HAVE NEVER FOUGHT COPS"

There is only one group that really benefits from a cop nerf and actually needs it, those would be new player raiding groups, HOWEVER, a cop nerf won't do much since the main crim orgs will just counter and wipe them anyway. Vets can handle the mass cop numbers, a nerf is not needed but a convince for them. New players will actually be benefitted by the nerf, except the won't as they would just get mass countered as soon as PD are dead, so the issue isn't solved.


These are the words of people who require less cop slots as they are too OP...


  • sadasd.png
    19.7 KB · Views: 20
"Reduce PD slots or this will become daily"

Like it isn't the daily.

Completely in agreeement with Sindarin. There is a group of people that would greatly benefit from it, which is new players. Nerf both criminals and cops to promote smaller orgs.
And yet you all still dominate cops 24/7 and call them zombies... Somehow with all these 'nerfs' or PD 'buffs' nothing has change! Whats the point in doing a debuff beyond making your lives slightly easier! Stop denying all feedback by saying "OMG PEOPLE WHO DISSAGREE HAVE NEVER FOUGHT COPS"

There is only one group that really benefits from a cop nerf and actually needs it, those would be new player raiding groups, HOWEVER, a cop nerf won't do much since the main crim orgs will just counter and wipe them anyway. Vets can handle the mass cop numbers, a nerf is not needed but a convince for them. New players will actually be benefitted by the nerf, except the won't as they would just get mass countered as soon as PD are dead, so the issue isn't solved.
let be honest cops are over power its just skill issue because most cop just play and dont care if they win or no they are not losing anything

maybe 16:9 they are OP so dont build your word because of 1 org where they can wipe pd most org are weak and they lose most of raids

"Reduce PD slots or this will become daily"

Like it isn't the daily.
its not daily as i said its just skill issue bring back pd academy and i think pd will be more op

most of them are cop main want and never fought cops while there is over 90 players on server want names ?

anyway 22 play over who disagree why there is 22 players at lest agree with this post ?
let be honest cops are over power its just skill issue because most cop just play and dont care if they win or no they are not losing anything

maybe 16:9 they are OP so dont build your word because of 1 org where they can wipe pd most org are weak and they lose most of raids

its not daily as i said its just skill issue bring back pd academy and i think pd will be more op

most of them are cop main want and never fought cops while there is over 90 players on server want names ?

anyway 22 play over who disagree why there is 22 players at lest agree with this post ?
Yes, most orgs can get killed by PD, however if PD won't kill them the better players will anyway, nerfing PD will in no way help new players, just change who kills them. The point I am making is that the people who should get the benefits won't, and the people who actually do, arn't the ones who need it.

I actually agree tbf most of PD does to that we should bring back academy, but it wont ever happen

Also 22 compared to the actual population of the server isn't that much
nerfing PD will in no way help new players
and who said i want pd to be nerf for new players ?

i want them nerfing cus they are zerg and raiding while there is over 90 player is like breaking 3,4 and 3.6 the chance of wininng is very low 20%-30% also there is no fun when you fight agest 4 tfu and 15 cop
i want them nerfing cus they are zerg and raiding while there is over 90 player is like breaking 3,4 and 3.6 the chance of wininng is very low 20%-30% also there is no fun when you fight agest 4 tfu and 15 cop
What I am saying is that in practice that is not true, I can see how many cops are on at any given time, it is very rarely that many. If the good players are always winning, why should PD be nerfed? The people who DO loose are new players, but you said you don't consider this update aimed at them so taking them out of consideration it only leaves the ones who are able to wipe PD consistently.
it is very rarely that many. If the good players are always winning, why should PD be nerfed?
who said the good people win all time ?

at these days maybe most OP org is 16:3 and that why you guys are complaining her i dont think there is any other org that can beat pd at this time
The people who DO loose are new players,
i lose 9/10 raids when the server are over 90
go raid and show me with pov how u would win

its just plpd skill issue bring back the academy or train the officers
who said the good people win all time ?

at these days maybe most OP org is 16:3 and that why you guys are complaining her i dont think there is any other org that can beat pd at this time

i lose 9/10 raids when the server are over 90
go raid and show me with pov how u would win

its just plpd skill issue bring back the academy or train the officers
Both of the PLPD suggestions you have were decided to never happen, or just not found to be practically doable

If you have low numbers on max pop, you will loose, the server is set up in such a way that zerging is the best strat, nerfing PD won't change that, just make the existing zergs better. Lowering PD slots doesn't make things fair, PD zerg is replaced with crim zerg. The thing that would be useful is finding a way to reducing zerging on all parties, then if crim is less zergy, then PD should be less zergy as well. But nerfing one side leaving the other untouched doesn't do anything.
i want them nerfing cus they are zerg and raiding while there is over 90 player is like breaking 3,4 and 3.6 the chance of wininng is very low 20%-30% also there is no fun when you fight agest 4 tfu and 15 cop
Since the entire point of the PD is to discourage you from raiding people, I think 20%-30% is still a good chance, no?

Also killing the PD 3 times and then dying once doesn't equal to that 20%-30%.

Yes, PD does have a skill issue. A cooperation/communication skill issue mainly.

But the issue with PD is the flow of players. It's not an org and it can't be compared to one.

I am not saying there's an obvious imbalance of power, but then again suggest how to balance it...
I solo PD with certifications increase the PD slots give SGT+ G3A3's all I request is for you to disable their siren lights in shootouts thanks
Okay so here’s the thing when people bring up the fact 16:9 can take on the PD, the org was made to fight the PD and nothing else, no one in the org actually likes each other we’re not friends or anything we simply invited them because they’re the best shooters that’d be able to take down the PDs numbers, so using the fact 16:9 can take down the PD in high numbers is irrelevant, use a different org like Salamancas for example
Yes 16:9 is specifically made for fighting so you can't just slide the fact they majorly affect the experience of the PD almost everyday under the rug as a way to justify making the PD even more weak, it's an illogical point. I would have agreed with you like about a month ago when 16:9 wasn't in the picture but now it is and the gameplay needs to be optimized for cops and criminals. You two just gave everybody a good reason to not upvote anymore since the logs and your statement "They're the best shooters that'd be able to take down the PDs numbers." That's true and nerfing them would just result in PD being overpowered more often when the premise of the PD is that it's the strongest faction.
Yes 16:9 is specifically made for fighting so you can't just slide the fact they majorly affect the experience of the PD almost everyday under the rug as a way to justify making the PD even more weak, it's an illogical point. I would have agreed with you like about a month ago when 16:9 wasn't in the picture but now it is and the gameplay needs to be optimized for cops and criminals. You two just gave everybody a good reason to not upvote anymore since the logs and your statement "They're the best shooters that'd be able to take down the PDs numbers." That's true and nerfing them would just result in PD being overpowered more often when the premise of the PD is that it's the strongest faction.
It was made to combat the PD, once the PD is nerfed the org will die down
It was made to combat the PD, once the PD is nerfed the org will die down
The point is the "best shooters" can solo PD according to your statements. They're still gonna be around with or without 16:9 being a thing.
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