Forum Rating Help (administrative assistance)

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Reaction score
United States of America
Apparently I was banned from rating posts. This includes positivity, negativity, and all of the above. I am unsure about why this was enacted and I have yet to find a way to get any information about it. I believe that it was enacted because I down rated 3-4 posts in my own thread designated about arguing which country was the best. I jokingly posted many pictures when the thread started of 'Merica' and eagles and beer and Obama and that stuff and was boasting how great America was as a joke. I believe that by down-voting these few posts is what got this removed. However, I still have no idea. I made an appeal, got closed and gave me no further information. Tried to ask a few Admins, never responded, Administrators and those who can assist me that are on the Team Speak are typically in there own channel that I am unable to join. d

I am just looking to solve this problem as I find it difficult to deal with not being able to give posts a generalized feedback.

Thank you,
- Blackdown
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