Foxhole: The Naval Update

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Foxhole's Naval update goes live with the start of the next war on October 26th. Unfortunately, Naval Combat is very much designed for groups/squads, and a small group of 2 or 3 friends will seriously struggle to do this. Therefore, me and a group of people from another discord are gonna set up a group to immediately head out to gather resources, set up infrastructure and defenses, and eventually build a drydock to run our navy from. If anyone is interested in joining us, please let me know and I will add you to a DM or a discord perhaps.

Early game we will be primarily logistics and engineers, creating infrastructure and defenses for our port. Later game, we will be focusing more on naval combat. If you are an infantry combat-type of person exclusively, this might not be for you. We will be doing a LOT of logistics, resource mining and production of materials for a future navy base.

What we are looking for:
- Dedicated Logistics Players
- Dedicated Engineers/Sappers
- People interested in Naval Combat in the game. Specifically we are looking for:
- Gunners (Both Heavy, Light and Torpedo Gunners)
- Engine Crew (Maintaining engines and repairing leaks)
- Ammo Runners
- Spotters / Sonar Operators

We are also interested, no matter if you would like to primarily be in game and fighting or if you are more of an administration-type of person that would like to plan logistics and missions. Both are options that you can explore with us.

As this is important to a lot of people:
e are starting this war on the Colonial side. Discussions have run around that we will switch side every single war to even out the fun. If you insist on only playing one side and quitting if we switch, don't bother. No one cares about your "loyalty" to one side. It is a game, and if you refuse to play the other side, then we are not interested in having you around.
This is awesome!
I haven't played Foxhole for a bit and thought it was slowly fizzling out, good to see such a huge update. Will definitely have to give it a go; if I end up being a huge addict like last imm I'll definitely shoot you a DM!
I absolutely love Foxhole. I play the game off and on but i did take part in the entire war of 87 which was the best time i have ever had in the game. I'm more into tank and frontlines combat though but good luck with the naval campaign. I am very eager to see how it affects the wars in the future.