Friendly / Accidental Fire (guns)

Which of these restrictions would you like removed?

  • Remove both

  • Friendly fire

  • Accidental fire

  • Neither

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Friendly Fire

As some of you may be aware, police, secret service, and other government employees can not injure the mayor by shooting him/her. While this is mostly in place to prevent people from using their job to obtain a free firearm to accomplish this with, it occurs to me that this also has some serious problems. So I wondered if the community would like this restriction removed. I will add a way that allows high ranking staff to "appoint" a mayor, so in the event of the mayor dying in an invalid situation, they could be put back into the job with the hassle of a vote. Obviously this will be closely monitored so it is not used for abuse. In the poll this is Friendly Fire.

Accidental Fire

Presently on the server no matter how many times cops shoot someone, they are unable to "finish them off" meaning: cops can not cause someone to be unable to be revived. This was originally put in place to stop cops from accidentally killing a suspect entirely before they could be put into custody, however it is unrealistic clearly. So I'd like to know if people feel cops should be no different and able to "accidentally" cause a suspect to die while shooting. I am titling this Accidental Fire in the poll.

Not to self bump a post but I need everyone's feedback on this poll to see how people view. So if you haven't please vote/leave a question about it and I will answer soon.
If the goal is to make this more realistic then remove everything, but staff should be able to select a mayor if killed invalid.
I also really don't see anyone trying to kill the mayor as a government.

Side note: I also feel like bleeding out is unrealistic also. I can shoot someone center mass 15 times they would still be revivable take into note 15 shots would most likely hit a vital organ. Even with a sniper you bleed out faster but speaking realistically one shot into the brain would kill you instantly.
If the goal is to make this more realistic then remove everything, but staff should be able to select a mayor if killed invalid.
I also really don't see anyone trying to kill the mayor as a government.

Side note: I also feel like bleeding out is unrealistic also. I can shoot someone center mass 15 times they would still be revivable take into note 15 shots would most likely hit a vital organ. Even with a sniper you bleed out faster but speaking realistically one shot into the brain would kill you instantly.
That's why I link to my other poll, we could then adjust how damages are done and the whole bleeding out as you said needs rework as well, but for the topic of this one, I'm more interested to see how people view government weapons effects. I agree it is not often you see anyone as government trying to kill the mayor and why I am putting it out there for people to vote on to remove that restriction.
To be honest accidental fire removal would just mean that people we are trying to arrest but end up shooting down. I would like more restrictions on people taking action on an officer arresting someone I should not need a SWAT escort to arrest Liam Belinsky. If the suspect gets himself intentionality killed in our crossfire then there we go no jail for him.

I believe friendly fire should be on due to there being barely any incidents regarding government employees shooting the mayor.
I believe they should be both removed when the police whitelist is going to be in place as there will be no more sweatercops and the force will be well trained.

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