Garret Woodfield/Alexthesnowman

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Sky-Walker/Ben Walker
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: xAl3xTh3Sn0wM4n/Garret Woodfield
His/Her SteamID: Unknown
Why Should This Player Be Punished: They broke 3.4, I had him at gunpoint after i had seen him with three cuffed men that were meant to be arrested after a raid. When he did an u-turn and came back to the intersection I pulled my pistol and he decided to run me over. This is 3.4 for two reasons, the first is because I had a gun pointed at him, the second is because he run over an SWAT officer, which increased his jail sentence dramatically, instead of simply stopping and getting a 4 year jail sentence. He also managed to run me over with popped tires, this is not realistic as he would not be able to get up to a speed that could run over someone.
Evidence (Demo Required): Woodfield ban req.dem
Tick: 55500
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As said, prove yourself wrong. You can see i had was clearly already pressing the speeder while you took out gun, i had a clear chance to escape. Which i also did.

xAl3xTh3Sn0wM4n is steam name.
Now, the fact that he ran you over breaks 3.4 since it's extending the sentence quite a lot. You can see him accelerating and positoning his car to hit you so it wasn't manslaughter, it was first degree. However, he didn't really break 3.4 by ignoring gunpoint since he was already in motion when you pointed it at him, you wouldn't have enough time to react and shoot him and as clearly seen in the video you didn't have enough time to discharge your firearm. Don't get me wrong, I don't like AL3X. But I'm trying to make it as unbiased as possible.
If this is the sit from yesterday at parker im just saying; it was a fucked up situation. I gotta admit I saw people breaking rules however I let it go as it was a big cluster fuck

Edited because i posted on wrong BR.

I will speak to other mods about this sit and see if he should be banned or not lol.​

Both party's are at fault. Alex should not of tried to run with popped tires and since he was already driving forward the gunpoint cannot really take effect( It was only 2 secs and even then when gunpoint did happen he/his car was already turning) (I have spoken to 2 mods about this). And Skywalker he had popped tires its really hard to control cars with popped tires and since you were standing on the road then technically its your fault.
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