Gauging interest in my organizing a game of Werewolf

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Werewolf is a classic forum game that requires a lot of community participation. Ideally, there woul

  • [YES] I am interested in participating.

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  • [NO] I am not interested in participating.

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Werewolf is a classic forum game that requires a lot of community participation. Ideally, there would be 12 players at minimum, but if there are any more interested players, a few other roles in the game would be opened up, and the game would become a little bit more diverse.

If, say, this poll gets an insane amount of [YES] votes, then I will set up a game, and set the rules down and everything. For those of you who have already played it in the past, the rules may be slightly different to account for however many players will be participating.

If you haven't ever heard of or played Werewolf, this link will help you to understand the rules. It's pretty thorough:

All of that said, I think ongoing games of Werewolf would be pretty fun. So many players lack the ability to think as a roleplayer, and playing Werewolf would most definitely give them some experience in the conversation aspect of it. The first game we'd play would be a legit game, however it would also be sort of a practise run, seeing as us players on the server know each other's in-game characters, as well as the personalities which are masked behind those identities. Werewolf would teach everyone each other's style of roleplay, as well as diversify ideas, communication, and confident portrayal of character.

This poll will not have a time limit. Once it seems there are enough positive votes (i.e. players interested in participating), I will make a final post declaring the poll to be over. At that point, I will set a game up, and have all the information for participating posted in this thread.
I'd like to know more about this. Is this basically a roleplay game where one person takes on the role of the "game master" etc ?

I would be interested in doing a game of a "text based" RP. But what I've always wanted to get going was some in the feeling of D&D. But that would require people of more serious gameplay and dedicated to actually play when we organize a night to play.
Dudeh;n2503 said:
I'd like to know more about this. Is this basically a roleplay game where one person takes on the role of the "game master" etc ?

I would be interested in doing a game of a "text based" RP. But what I've always wanted to get going was some in the feeling of D&D. But that would require people of more serious gameplay and dedicated to actually play when we organize a night to play.

If this is happens, I will be the GM and use a random number generator to determine the various roles—unless, of course, I know someone in particular is really good at roleplay and would make a great wolf, I would assign him/her one of the wolf slots.

Each in-game day would take a whole day in the real world. This lets everyone have a say in the city forum (or court room, depending on the village). At the start of each day (and I will make sure everyone is clear when the next day has started), all players are gathered in the city forum to discuss the happenings of the night before. As the GM, I will announce who was eating during the night. At this point, players should discuss among each other their thoughts. Who would have most cause to silence that one particular villager (not player, but villager. Meta-gaming can be a big issue in this, so please don't do it)? Who is acting suspicious when they speak? Who is constantly diverting attention away for him or herself? Who seem to be working together? "You're in an alliance? Sounds fishy."

By the end of the day (a time limit would be set), everyone would have to cast their final votes on who they believe is a werewolf and should be cast into the spike pit! No matter what, I'd make a post saying, "Discussion is now over. Cast your votes" and a poll would be made including everyone's names (as a side note: You can genuinely vote for yourself in RP fashion. e.g.: kind hearted, don't want to see another innocent dead, etc).

The werewolves would either be PM'd by me, or post in their own private thread (if one could be provided by the admins), the person they want to kill off in the night for the next day. Both must agree on one person.

The seer/psychic would post who s/he would like to identify via PM, or in his/her own private thread as well. The next morning, the seer/psychic will be told privately whether or not that person is a werewolf. The seer/psychic cannot just outright say who the werewolf is, if s/he knows. S/he has to sort of hint toward it, else s/he risks his/her own death in the next night. The seer/psychic can very well be the game winner when it comes to so many players remaining.

Finally, Werewolf is usually played with 2-3 wolves and a psychic, but if we get enough players for more roles, why not include them? :)
Guys, 4 more participants for a game! Get on dat train :)
So I left it available for a while, now. 'Gonna go ahead and call it a negative—not enough people. Maybe next time! :)
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