I'm definately choosing the Baccalaureate path and am going to do Business.
I just need some suggestions as well;
So basically: One more from Section 3;
Two from Section 2 - Baccalaureate path
If you also need help deciding; Post your choices paper below and say what path your picking (if you've chosen one) and then the choices your definitely choosing!
You should definitely choose ICT as one of your GCSEs. Not only is it really interesting (well, if you're not interested in that topic), but can help you with future careers or courses you want to go on. For example, the course I am doing in college (which is business) requires you to have a GCSE in ICT, so those who did not do it for GCSE have to do it during the course.
EDIT: Also, languages are a pretty good choice if you are wanting to maybe work abroad in the future? And employers find it pretty attractive on a CV, like I hated Spanish but I'm glad I at least tried it and got a GCSE in it
Triple science gives you a good foundation for further chem/bio, as I found; I don't think I could enjoy them so well only having done some of the modules at GCSE.
History is insurmountably boring and unrewarding imho (sorry for blaspheme @Duffy ), and French can be a little hard for people; the way we did it made the coursework a matter of regurgitation and that's not everyone's cup of tea. Computer Science (dependent on exam board) can be heavily coursework based, and as long as the teachers do what most centers do and not run it by the book, you'll be very much supported through it - you should definitely consider it; very interesting subject if you're into computers.
You will likely do the extended project at A2 year anyway (if doing A-Levels), but if you do actually decide to do it you can take the heat off yourself a bit in the final year of A-Levels.
Either way, your GCSE choices by no means assign you a future. Before selecting, double check your local college, sixth form, and any further education institutions for what the courses you are interested in require for enrollment. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Well, I do triple science, computing, geography and history. If you choose triple science it will open lots of scientific carer paths for you but only if you enjoy it. With computing it's great too do however it can be a little bit more tricky than other times but still a great choice. History is good but it requires a lot of writing so be prepared if you choose history. Finally with Geography I would say this is an interesting choice as well because it involves some science in it. However as you want to go down a business carer path I suggest you select ICT as your final option as in business you will probably require ICT skills and ability to use a computer well.
I chose art,computer science , triple science, history and French. Chose what you enjoy also you will need a MFL (e.g French and spanish) if you want to go to a good uni.
It's all down to personal choice, some subjects are easier than others, Chris is right though, don't pick history. The course detail has changed completely to when I done it in 2014. A language can be fun, however you have to be prepared to devote some time into it, especially when it comes to the 200 word assessments. (Don't do a me and pick two languages, ended up having double French then double German on Wednesdays).
Obviously now is a time you should start to consider what you want to do in future life and try and base your subjects around it. Don't worry if you pick something you won't carry on with in 6th form/Uni etc.
If it helps I picked History, Business studies, Computing, French, German and did double science.
If you do a language try and familiarise yourself with it, such as watching films/music in that language. Helped me a lot with my German.
Really its down to you and what you want to do in the future. However language is very hard and difficult, you have to learn like 5 different types of verbs, and the present future, the future. Its a nightmare, and i really wish i had never took it. Computing is good, but also a big technical, good fun overall. And the last option which i took as geography, i absolutely hate it, but some how get good grades, as long as you remember the case studies you will be fine.
Your options list is flipping complicated compared to mine. We just get rows of boxes, another row of boxes next to it to say if you choose it, and then done.
Dont be a @MattIs - choose triple science. I didnt and I regret it. Its made science at Alevel a hell of a lot harder as i had to go over some gcse stuff last year to understand concepts.
My options are coming up after Easter, however I have always wanted to be a game designer but I would need an Art GCSE. I am not very good at art and I got F in my start of term drawing. Any suggestions?
My options are coming up after Easter, however I have always wanted to be a game designer but I would need an Art GCSE. I am not very good at art and I got F in my start of term drawing. Any suggestions?
Not here to break your dreams but theres just no jobs in it or money. Its normally a thing that artists accidentally get taken in to. Look into computer science and programming. Its not as competitve, has good pay and there is a massive shortage of good programmers. Plus if you wish to do something in the gaming market; programming is a required skill.
Here's what I would pick if I had your choices.
At GCSE level I did the following:
GCSE Maths - Learned to love it and got a B in the end
GCSE Statistics- Easiest GCSE I did, got a B with 0 effort or commitment to the subject.
GCSE Biology - Hated it. All plant biology and no human biology, 0/10. Got an A.
GCSE Chemistry- Also hated this but that was to do with teaching. Got a C.
GCSE Physics - Loved it, got an A. Great course with practical applications and relevance.
GCSE Geography - Really fun and interesting course if you get into it. Got an A.
GCSE German - Loved the course, hated my teacher with a passion. A* in both exams but a B overall due to coursework.
GCSE Computing - Too easy but really interesting. If you're academic it's not always a good choice as most is easy. Got an A.
GCSE English Language - I found this easy but difficult to break the A-A* boundary. Got an A.
GCSE English Literature - Again easy but difficult to break the C-B boundary and A-A*. Got an A.
GCSE Engineering - Lmao Engineering. Hated this course so much and got an E in all of the mocks. Revised for a day before the exam and got a B overall. Different to BTEC Engineering but iirc it was 50% coursework which was awful.
All in all, I did OK at GCSE but because I didn't try in some subjects I didn't reach my predicted grades (7A's and 4A*'s overall, I got 6A's and 5 B's).
My biggest tip would be to choose broad, enjoyable and interesting (to you at least) subjects with some view of what you want to do in later life, even if that's as broad as "Go to University". There's so many options after GCSE that you need to keep your choices open.
GCSE's are important, but they're only the first stepping stone in many to come.
Personally, I wasn't comfortable with only doing 3/4 subjects at A Level after GCSE so I opted to do the International Baccalaureate. (@John Cena! squad assemble)
Here's an explanation of what I do below, I've highlighted the bits that stand out to me as the most important.
I would definitely check if any of your local Sixth Forms or Sixth Form Colleges do the course because it's a great eye opener.
I travel 1.5 hours to college and another 1.5 back every day, 5 days a week and it's hard work. But it's worth it.
Schools offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB Dip) prepare students for university entrance by following the IB programme over the final two years of high school. This involves taking six subjects (three at higher level and three at standard level).
In addition to the six academic subjects (two languages, a mathematics, a humanities, an experimental science, and a sixth subject representing the arts or an additional course from the previously mentioned five subject areas), all IB students have to follow a course in Theory of Knowledge (an epistemology course which questions the basis of knowledge), write a 4000 word research Extended Essay (on a subject of the student's own choosing) of college level standard, and take part in over 150 hours of non-academic activity covering creativity, physical action (e.g. sports), and service to the community.
Assessment is based on a combination of final examinations and course work which are evaluated by a external examiners worldwide, and (in some cases for coursework) by internal assessment. IB examinations for each subject are held on the same days for all students worldwide - in May in the Northern Hemisphere and in October in the case of most Southern Hemisphere schools.
Each subject is scored from 1-7, and up to 3 additional points may be awarded for TOK (Theory of Knowledge) essays and for the Extended Essay (see below). A minimum of 24 points is required to obtain the IB diploma while 45 points is the maximum.
The IB is more holistic than most exams and systems, and looks at the overall result. A pupil can get a decent diploma with high marks in their highers and relatively low marks in their standards courses.
Universities like the IB programme. Many universities seek to recruit IB students because they offer both breadthof knowledge and depth, particularly in their higher level subjects.
UCAS has developed a new tariff system which now gives greater currency to the IB scores over A-levels. An IB score of 38 points out of a maximum of 45 is equivalent to five A grades at A-level. 30 IB points reflects three and a half A's at A level which is enough to gain admission to most good universities in the UK (Oxbridge would require higher results).
In the IB I do
HL English
HL Film Studies (lol bad choice)
HL Psychology
SL Environmental Systems and Societies (Geography and Biology)
SL Mathematical Studies
SL Spanish Ab Initio
Plus the compulsory TOK course as mentioned above.
At the moment, I'm predicted 36 points overall which is 523 UCAS points.
525 UCAS points is equivalent to 3.75 A*s at A2 Level.
So I'm doing fairly well in a broader range of subjects with a qualification that is internationally acclaimed and recognised.
But the key message here is explore your options and keep your future open.
Why have I given you so much advice?
Because was clueless when picking my GCSEs and regret some choices. But triple science and a language are almost certainly a must.
I'm definately choosing the Baccalaureate path and am going to do Business.
I just need some suggestions as well;
So basically: One more from Section 3;
Two from Section 2 - Baccalaureate path
If you also need help deciding; Post your choices paper below and say what path your picking (if you've chosen one) and then the choices your definitely choosing!