Something new I have been considering to try.

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England, Norfolk
Hey guys I was considering bringing a game purely on the forums and controlled by the player where every word can change the outcome. It would be based on Guardians rising with at first one faction then more will be added once ready.

How this will work is you are given choices however you can follow them however you want. Anything going around you can be controled by what you type so nothing is fixed and no bias. Once ready members may apply for leadership with two other factions planed.

The starting faction is the Megaversal Guardians but to bring some PVP possibly in you may find me bringing in the rivals Arverus Empire. Every faction has its good and bads and even unique ships they can only get.

As for ships they kinda depend how you get them really. You start off with the simple Corvette and Gunship class ships and work your way to Cruiser, Battleship, Carrier and even the Sieger and Mothership.

The first way is by ordering ships by command and the more ranks the better ships you can get.

The second way gets you the best of the best ships not only can you get any ship but any quality from Outdated to Legendary. You find these on missions which may appear or you will get contacted by your leader but you never know when they appear. These tokens have no limits but they are basicly a roll so everything is a chance.

Your ship for you.

Your ship can be repaired, exchanged, named, destroyed, upgraded, crashed or even carved into two pieces by a beam weapon there is no limit and it is your duty as captain to lead your crew away from danger and forge your path with your faction.

I will start this up when ready still need to figure out a few things but do me a favor and show your interest im not going ahead with it if no one wants to play it.