Server Suggestion Get rid of XP being removed when killed

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United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Get rid of XP being removed when killed
Suggestion Description: This only harms the people who actually play the job regularly and wanting to actually progress the ranks. In all honesty, this causes more bad than any sort of good which I simply don't even see in the first place personally. You could be doing things for hours especially if its during slower times of the day and you get RDM'd or end up in an ACCIDENT, just for your work to be reverted and that's the demotivating part about this being a thing, this is most noticeable for Roadcrew. A reduction could be done at least, however I am rather rooting that this gets scrapped instead, it's silly and there is no point with it being a thing IMO.

Why should this be added?:
More like removed:
- Brings an incentive to actually progress without disruption by the most stupidest shit
- Less targeted behaviour to those who intend on causing malicious harm towards an individual by reverting their XP by over a day's work pretty much

What negatives could this have?:
- Literally none from me, so please reply why this should exist if you can come up with something seeming that if it exists, there has to be a reason to it
- Maybe makes the jobs progression too easy to rank up? (it takes a while anyways i'm pretty sure)
Completely agree, the only people this is punishing are rule abiding players trying to rank up. The people this was designed to punish (minges) are unaffected because they do not care about their ranks and are swiftly dealt with by staff anyway via a ban or blacklist.
Completely agree, the only people this is punishing are rule abiding players trying to rank up. The people this was designed to punish (minges) are unaffected because they do not care about their ranks and are swiftly dealt with by staff anyway via a ban or blacklist.
Exactly this - people that join the jobs to grieve/minge, will not care for their 'job rank' and whether they lose EXP which ultimately makes this feature redundant.
more combat medics and minging
Well no, as explained by the previous posts By Jimmy, Addrene and Clarky, it doesn't stop minges at all as they do not give a shit about there Paramedic rank, as they are here to annoy as many ppl as possible and get banned or blacklisted by staff.
After playing for roughly 4.5 hours as Roadcrew yesterday, I had gained a total of 14% experience - which was knocked down to 9% because I got RDM’d once. The guy got banned, but I had still lost over an hour’s worth of experience, which could not be given back.
I am in full support
if coding permits it, then i think medics should only lose XP if dying in the area of an already determined shootout and are actively recieving the notification to leave, or a bank robbery etc. other than that i see no reason to remove xp from dying as it could be RDM whatever and not fair on them to loose a decent time worth of xp for no reason.
There aren't any other automatic punishment systems for breaking other job-related rules, and this one 9 out of 10 times applies to a player who had no control over their death. If someone wants to minge while on a job, they will not care about their experience. Good suggestion.
After playing for roughly 4.5 hours as Roadcrew yesterday, I had gained a total of 14% experience - which was knocked down to 9% because I got RDM’d once. The guy got banned, but I had still lost over an hour’s worth of experience, which could not be given back.
I am in full support
This is the shit that throws me off when I spontaneously feel like being a civ worker for a little change.
You lose upwards of an 1hr to 2hrs of experience gain, even if you are doing your job correctly. Minges do not care about loosing EXP, its only the people who are trying to play the job correctly that are harmed.
I do get that the xp lose is an incentive to make sure you are playing correctly but like what everyone is saying.

It mainly effects the people that are playing correctly. Especially when you get a sweater RDMer/troll. I spent 1hr as RC and then lost all the progress when a new player RDM'd me while I was refueling my tow truck so, I couldn't even run away as he was stabing me. The player did get punished but I couldn't get the xp loss back which, did put me off playing RC for a while.
An XP refund system for rulebreaks could be put into place, or the XP could be adjusted to match the equivalent of one revive, that way staff can just slay themselves Or the guy who killed them in a manner which doesn’t suit the rules to regain lost XP.
An XP refund system for rulebreaks could be put into place, or the XP could be adjusted to match the equivalent of one revive, that way staff can just slay themselves Or the guy who killed them in a manner which doesn’t suit the rules to regain lost XP.
Just remove job XP loss when dying. This thread got accepted for removing org XP loss from deaths to PD while having far less community support.
This is such an annoying feature, I have been attacked as road crew more than I am on civ. Whenever sweaters get their minis towed I end up having to punch 1-3 people to death to protect myself because they're angry I'm towing their illegally parked cars. Then after I successfully protect myself I've lost around 750 xp. Then if the off chance they have a gun I lose an extra 250 xp when I get capped. Either give RC guns or remove the xp shit. My friend works for a tow service IRL and every single worker is packing. If I can't have a gun I better not be losing xp all the time while trying to defend myself or when I get shot over towing a vehicle.
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