So as it seems I have been banned for a month. I no longer think that this community needs me just to fuck things up for them and I just sometimes can be careless. I don't really want to go into much detail of why I was banned. I just wanted to say bye to all my friends that I have played PERP with and my good times on PERP.
@Luke - Good friend Luke, He is the reason why I got started and he was the guy who was very nice to anyone who wanted to give him the chance.I have always been good friends with Luke and I wanted to say thank you for all the good RP we had together.
@AyJay - He got me into the crime families and was always a good friend.Even if he did kick me out the org the first day.
@Ash - I toke a long break from the crime families and when I came back to them.With Montreal it led me to whole new orgs that are powerful.
@Millheimer and @Garo.k - After Montreal I had nothing to do and you guys brought me into Amenians and were good friends that helped me a lot.
@Hazza56 - No you cannot drive my car.I am leaving now anyway.
@EVIL - Bringing me into the Belinsky Family was one of the best things I did on perp.I will miss you friend.
@ThomasGeorge - He was always that guy and perp who carried an exessive amount of frags and shoots cops in the back of the head when ever he can.
@John Daymon - Great moderator,good friend we both meet through Luke Person I will miss you good friend.
@MrAaron - Weird guy,Won't stop mic spamming. Just saying your power tool idea will never work.
@Swiper The Fox - Good friend we would sometimes stay up late and just joke around.Good friend and I will definitely miss you <3.Thank you for giving me admin even if it was still for 5 seconds it still was fun.
@MrLewis - Great moderator you will be missed
@Sdac2 - Won't stop telling me I am american
@D3V - Great guy,He helped me out a lot.He was the reason why I was able to buy my Bugatti.
@The Strange Deranged Mage - We were the 'merican Mafia together. Thanking the 2nd amendment and shooting cops for trying to take away our rights
@Walker - We were in a lot of orgs together and we fought together you will be missed. I will miss your Ferrari...
(Harry told me to add it)
I know this list was short and I am sorry if I forgot your name just leave in the bottom of this section.Farewell PERP...
@Luke - Good friend Luke, He is the reason why I got started and he was the guy who was very nice to anyone who wanted to give him the chance.I have always been good friends with Luke and I wanted to say thank you for all the good RP we had together.
@AyJay - He got me into the crime families and was always a good friend.Even if he did kick me out the org the first day.
@Ash - I toke a long break from the crime families and when I came back to them.With Montreal it led me to whole new orgs that are powerful.
@Millheimer and @Garo.k - After Montreal I had nothing to do and you guys brought me into Amenians and were good friends that helped me a lot.
@Hazza56 - No you cannot drive my car.I am leaving now anyway.
@EVIL - Bringing me into the Belinsky Family was one of the best things I did on perp.I will miss you friend.
@ThomasGeorge - He was always that guy and perp who carried an exessive amount of frags and shoots cops in the back of the head when ever he can.
@John Daymon - Great moderator,good friend we both meet through Luke Person I will miss you good friend.
@MrAaron - Weird guy,Won't stop mic spamming. Just saying your power tool idea will never work.
@Swiper The Fox - Good friend we would sometimes stay up late and just joke around.Good friend and I will definitely miss you <3.Thank you for giving me admin even if it was still for 5 seconds it still was fun.
@MrLewis - Great moderator you will be missed
@Sdac2 - Won't stop telling me I am american

@D3V - Great guy,He helped me out a lot.He was the reason why I was able to buy my Bugatti.
@The Strange Deranged Mage - We were the 'merican Mafia together. Thanking the 2nd amendment and shooting cops for trying to take away our rights

@Walker - We were in a lot of orgs together and we fought together you will be missed. I will miss your Ferrari...
I know this list was short and I am sorry if I forgot your name just leave in the bottom of this section.Farewell PERP...
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