
Organisation members are people who work for GrimeHeads (Camera crew, etc) not the battlers.
Who are we?
We're Grimeheads, we're an underground rap battle league situated in Paralake City.
We produce weekly rap battles, and post them here for you guys to see.
The way our rap battles work, each MC will be given three rounds (30 seconds each) to freestyle to
a beat that is given to them and insult the opposing MC to the extent where the crowd is roaring.
How do I sign up to battle?
If you would like to battle, please contact me via my email or call me in-game (734-588). You will be given another opponent to battle and the battle will take place in the underpass with an audience of around 10-20 people watching you guys spit fire. You'll be given a beat, 30 seconds on the clock and three rounds to prove that you're superior to the opposition.
Staff team
We're currently looking for one other camera-man, please do contact me via my email regarding the position. However our main focus is battlers.
This page isn't done, however all battles will be posted on here.