
AUG Red dot comp, AK101 comp, MP5k silencer, MP9 stock with extended mag, AKS-74U Stock, Taurus (for for roleplay only heists when I be bored), HK45 CT, Beretta (Was my favorite when I was a about 15 days play time and broke) and lastly Deagle stock for long range heavy hitting.
I wish more people would make a variety of pistols with different attachments. HK45 with reflex sight is so boring!
Glocks are really nice imo. 1911 decent too. Most underwhelming pistol is p99. But yes please, stop meta and use more guns!



All of these are my preferred weapons of choice to upset meta slaves. Do what you wish with it.
Only one I can’t use is the p99, for some reason it feels like a ppk deals more damage haha. What are your thoughts on the p99?
USP to me was always like a watered down HK45CT with worse features. Especially when you consider the fact it’s rarely picked to be used and when it seen being used it’s more likely than not because somebody had to craft it so they can progress firearms level.
@Creepis @Collier maybe my memory is fuzzy cuz this ain’t how I remember the p99. Had mine fully decked out and could barely get kills… Thanks for clarifying tho. Time to give them a new proper try.

USP40 is unuseable imo cuz of ironsights indeed.
@Creepis @Collier maybe my memory is fuzzy cuz this ain’t how I remember the p99. Had mine fully decked out and could barely get kills… Thanks for clarifying tho. Time to give them a new proper try.

USP40 is unuseable imo cuz of ironsights indeed.
i think you're thinking of PPK friend
AK74U, SCAR, M16, M4, MAC 11, MP5/10, AK47, M14, .44 magnum guns, sw500, Glock 20. If I grab anything else, I’m throwing.
Makarov with a suppressor is my all-time favourite, quietest gun with a 1 hit kill potential. Bonus points for feeling like you're an FSB agent killing western spies.
USP to me was always like a watered down HK45CT with worse features. Especially when you consider the fact it’s rarely picked to be used and when it seen being used it’s more likely than not because somebody had to craft it so they can progress firearms level.
More ammo, better accuracy and an Insignificantly lower damage shot makes it superior to me.

Makarov with a suppressor is my all-time favourite, quietest gun with a 1 hit kill potential. Bonus points for feeling like you're an FSB agent killing western spies.
Or just use a pernach, as with a suppressor it’s the same sound and volume, same damage, but better stats in every other aspect.

Most underwhelming pistol is p99.
The only negative to a P99 is it looks pretty shit. Most underwhelming pistol to me is the SW Model 19 seeing as it’s just a Colt Python with worse sights.

USP40 is unuseable imo cuz of ironsights indeed.
More ammo, better accuracy and an Insignificantly lower damage shot makes it superior to me.
hk having 10 rounds is enough USP is just overkill to compensate for the terrible sights and damage decrease.I once wiped 2 gangs, police and 2 parties of minge grabbers with a single HK45CT stock (no attachments) using a single magazine and a few ammo boxes.

I would say it’s more worth the HK cause you can’t say the sight of USP is superior so even if accuracy was a tiny bit better statistically it’s still overshadowed by the terrible iron sights.

So ammo wise it’
I wish more people would make a variety of pistols with different attachments. HK45 with reflex sight is so boring!
I Mean im a Revolver guy Myself,Don't mean i hit anyone with it,i just like the sounds.