Give cops ars or something better than a pistol

Okay I've been told to make this feedback PG 3 friendly. Stop making these suggestions, every single of them gets denied and I've seen like 6-7 or smt. On here and plpd together.

Don't rush into shootouts, make perimeters as your supposed to below Corporal, create a tactic and you'll be just fine. Oh yeah and learn to SHOOT
@Sorle but then ur risking dying and so u have to shoot the person and i'd rather not do that. also the nightstick is aids it disables them for a second and u cant hit them anymore or they will start crying that u used excessive force
@|Z|Rhino if ur badly/majorly injured after not many punches and theyre still going just shoot them, try to tell them beforehand but gmod voice delay, if they're that strong and they clearly don't intend on stopping you can use your pistol to defend your life
like i said before u just get flanked by 5 more people and its hard to just "create a tatic" when the enemies could leave any second
@|Z|Rhino There's your problem, you're too scared of them crying about excessive force. If someones punching you you hold every right to slug them to death with the nightstick.
@|Z|Rhino why do you bring up the taser not being available for regular officers. It's not like it was always there for seniors+, it is a relatively new thing.
so ur logic is learn to shoot, then i dont see what the problem is with cops having ars if u know how to shoot
@|Z|Rhino It's pretty easy not to get flanker and shot, you just don't do it properly then. However I understand, but nothing will be changed.
i dont really see whats so dumb about the post, you guys seem to like going around in groups of 15 all with ars but when its reversed nty
I'm voting it dumb because it's not gonna happen, and because it's literally almost every month someone makes this suggestion, and every single time it gets denied.

I think I made this kind of suggestion before aswell.
why did u make this kind of suggestion tho u seem to think its not valid
Don't rush into shootouts, make perimeters as your supposed to below Corporal, create a tactic and you'll be just fine. Oh yeah and learn to SHOOT
@|Z|Rhino Because I made that suggestion like a year ago before I had ever even reached Corporal before, I've been twice now, but before I was first time I made the suggestion.
This is the stupidest suggestion, climb the ranks and become TFU.
There is no way this would be accepted so every officer has access to a heavier weapon which is meant for the Tactical Firearms Division, this would render TFU pointless and the points you have made are stupid.