Hello but also maybe a goodbye?

Hope everything works out for you eventually! And hope to see more of your content in the future, it's really good stuff!

As the legend himself once said:

You are one of the soundest geezers I've met through perp. I hope that you are able to return as soon as possible, at your convenience at least.

As a manic depressive myself, a condition which was aggravated heavily by an emotionally abusive partner, I fully understand your situation.

I'm always here to chat man, your situation sounds significantly similar to a past affair that shaped me.
even when I was a toxic shit talker while we were rivals you still showed respect and kind-heartedness don't let the negative thoughts overtake your kind soul :)
Never had the chance to meet you or get to know you but I've always heard how much of a good dude you are. Always enjoyed your work. Take care of yourself broski. If you ever need anything please feel free to reach out. Take care Kane
Only briefly met you but from what I've heard from others and the kind words you provide to your friends, I can tell you have a good heart. God bless you, and best wishes.
Yeah I don't know you too well, but the odd 2 or 3 times I've spoken to you on Teamspeak you've been very approachable and just been a cool person to talk to in general. I hope things get better for you
big love for you brother. we gonna miss you man. have a good one and if you ever need help with something let me know. also love the taxi driver jazz you used for the background man
I understand your situation only from what I was taught. I want you to know that for you to become sharp you must be sharpened so the trials you face in these moments can very easily be the experiences required for you to become a better man and a sign from God. You will learn who's there for you and who was there only when you laughed which are two vastly different types of relationships and I believe it to be a blessing upon you that the woman you thought was destined to be your future wife has done this to you now because imagine the suffering you would experience later on if she hid that from you until you were married with kids.... Lastly I don't want to make it a religion class nor do I want to offend you or bore you with talks you feel may uninterested in but I do want to leave this off here so that you may find some relaxation or peace within it.

If Allah wills good for someone, He afflicts him with trials.

- Prophet Muhammed (SAW)

I truly hope guidance finds you and you find it and that you are met with true happiness :')
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Sound guy, keep in touch brudda gotta get back on that phantom forces grind and run scav loadouts on factory again lol cya around likkle man <3

-Maze Head on behalf of Agent 47 (reporting for duty) and mana bojack
despite me only really being a lurker at this point, i find it really sad to see you go. you’ve had an incredibly positive impact on the community in your time here and you should be very proud of that. hope to see you back in due time, in the meantime enjoy and have the best of luck mate. hope everything gets better!