Help me (league of legends)

I hit diamond by duoing with a jungler, it really helps you get ahead in your lane because they can just yank you and you only!
tragic, once you solo que you'll realise that ur not that rank and when someone checks ur and sees you duo all the time ur rank will mean nothing anyway
hello my son is in a wheelchair and he needs funds for a disabled ramp so he can get into school and acuire atleast 1 GCSE, therefore making him more qualified than @MrAaron

please beware that he will int a few games after invading red, dying solo then spends all game crying about either broken champs or how he hates league
Ever tried going for different roles? I main support but I can play any role easily where top or jungle is where I'm most comfortable at e.g. tanks, bruisers, AP/AD offtanks if it sees fit. I recommend expanding your champion pool and/or playing sleeper picks or people generally don't know how to counter well, people often forget about my Anivia passive whenever I'm playing mid or when when I'm playing Kled people forget that you can deal serious damage with his W as it scales against maximum health combined with a tiamat combo, again, people can get cocky about his passive as soon as he loses Skarl so you can use that to your advantage aswell. Just don't flame or spam shit (pings or clickable skills in TAB), less tilt in your team means better chances of winning. I stopped playing ranked around Season 3 or 4 (started Season 2) and got to Silver I, I could've climbed way higher but it was just too exhausting. Never liked competetive play in any kind of game though, that's just me.
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hi yes i have troubleshooted your issue and i have concluded there is only one solution

uninstall and play dota
Screenshot that its your account even if it is plat 5 is basic gold

Post your account also. Since ur in such a shit region ur rank is really inflated so i'll subtract abit to get ur real rank

Post your account also. Since ur in such a shit region ur rank is really inflated so i'll subtract abit to get ur real rank
I can also find permabanned accounts for toxic on internet not so hard whats your rank rn is the question lol