[HELP THREAD] How to drive correctly and safely

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London, United Kingdom

Users driving their purchased vehicles is one of the most common things you see in day-to-day life in Evocity and may also be a common task that you do in your daily tasks. I've compiled this guide to give some helpful tips on how to drive correctly in Evocity and how to keep safe on the busy roads. Feel free to add more information to this guide if necessary. Note: Some or most of the things listed in this guide are not mandatory, but are highly recommended to get the most out of your serious roleplay and driving experience.

Traffic lights
A rather significant figure on the roads of Evocity - traffic lights are there to bring formality and order to the roads. Most people don't find it in their hearts to properly appreciate these tall and slender beings but believe it or not, they are very useful and could even one day save your life.
A useful thing to do is to stop at the show of the amber light, rather than when it turns red. However, in real-life, you can continue driving if the amber light is showing - this can be very dangerous, but is understandable if you're in some kind of rush. To prevent accidents happening, always slow down slightly when you co
me to a set of traffic lights, even if the green light is showing.

Rights of the road and giving way
Since in Evocity we drive on the right side of the carriageway, the person that gets the rights is the person on the left. If you come to a junction, the driver on your left has the right to go before you, and you have the right to go before the person on your right. A lot of people tend to forget this, but is a crucial thing when you come to busy roads or some kind of junction. Another thing to remember that in real life, if you're going too slow (i.e on the Car Dealership road), you can be pulled over for obstruction of traffic. Another tip is that if you overtake a car, it does look quite suspicious and it does tend to annoy people.

Stop signs
A lot of people tend to ignore stop signs or the big 'STOP' painted on the road. These are to indicate that you have to stop in order to give way to any oncoming vehicles. A good way to take advantage of these is to slowly pull up to them, take a quick look left and right, and if there's nobody on your left you can go. Also, pedestrians tend to cross at stop signs, so it's better to slow down at them in order to avoid accidents.

Speed limits
The speed limit changes throughout Evocity and the outskirts as well. A good way to take advantage of the speed limit is to use cruise control (Right click), which limits your speed to what you're driving at. To avoid being pulled over or having an accident, try to stay at least 5mph under the speed limit that you're at. In the UK, if you're going at least 2mph over the speed limit, you get pulled over, so remember that!

Most of the road accidents in Evocity are due to the sharp corners/bends in the road. A good way to avoid having an accident or skidding off the road, is to stop using the accelerator and tap your break when going around the corner. It'll help kill your speed and help not kill others on the road.
I'm glad somebody you did this because some people need to genuinely know how to drive correctly. Fair enough sometimes it can be difficult due to lag or something else but if you lag while driving don't drive or drive a lot slower. :) These tips of how to drive so actually relate to the most commonly broken rule which is of course rule 2m. Nice work anyway.
Haha this helped me so much. I barely crash anymore :P Thanks.
Hit ctrl to drive in third person, it really helps to drive better since you have greater spacial awareness, especially with larger vehicles.
Kielan said:
Hit ctrl to drive in third person, it really helps to drive better since you have greater spacial awareness, especially with larger vehicles.
Please don't reply to threads that have not been posted on for a while. Also, it doesn't really help to drive better; some people drive better in first person. It's personal preference.
Kielan said:
Hit ctrl to drive in third person, it really helps to drive better since you have greater spacial awareness, especially with larger vehicles.
So your saying that not checking 3rd person from time to time, does not make your driving better, I beg to differ, greater spacial awareness is key to safe driving.
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