Helper Discussion

Code Monkey

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Hey all,

I just wanted to give my opinion on the new helper role and speak about how the community feels about it.

- Have people helping in OOC
- Have people helping on the forums

- Helper is on the staff team (I feel people should WANT to help if they have this role, not for it to be a requirement to join as an enforcer)
- Helper was given to people without an application. (I am all for this if they are not a member of the staff team, and it’s just to help out the server and to show initiative.)

How do you all feel? I personally like the idea and love how @Ayjay is trying to bring the community together into a better place, but feel the system needs changes.
TL;DR: I feel helper shouldn’t be staff or a prerequisite to become enforcer. People who become helper should want to help and have unlimited /help messages.
I Have to disagree. Helper is there as a non-staffing role, however, you should apply for it, that will help you get the gist of basic staffing and helping.
Helper was given to people without an application.
This is true, However, This was Former staff members who wanted to dedicate their time to helping players, without having to become a staff member again
John Daymon, who has had his enforcer application denied several times, received it. He was also demoted off the staff team. That bothers me as I personally would never want to see him staff again.
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I get where you are coming from but I just think there are way too many staff members now and someone like Daymon who was demoted and denied his enforcer applications several times after was just given it. I would have given that application an earful.
I kinda addressed that above but I do agree to an extent that it'd be fairer for him to re-apply, but clearly he's doing a good job in the role so I see no need. Also I like the fact that it's overstaffed again, makes me not want to break rules even more. This is exactly what everyone argued for, complained about there being no Staff, now there's loads. I feel like everyone's sort of won in this situation
Firstly this was @Bolli idea to expand the staff team so that there's more progression in the staff team which results in staff members not getting bored over having to do the same thing over and over again.

The reason why the Helper rank is added is literally to let people prove themselves worthy to climb the rankings within the staff team, it's essentially a trial-enforcer which in my opinion is great.

Now I don't get why you see it as something negative that they're in the staff team? That's literally the way it should work since they're... a part of the team that helps the server run smoothly?
The reason why I was demoted has nothing to do with why I was denied for enforcer, the reason why I was denied last time was simply because of my activity and some earlier forum behaviour. I do not believe that you understand the point of this rank nor do I feel that you understand why I was given this rank.

I've been in this community since the start of the server and I've served the staff team longer than anyone else except for @Bolli I had the highest report count on the server for a long period of time and I was topping the average report count, I've helped @StephenPuffs with testing on his server.

I'm not trying to flaunt but there's a reason why I was given Honorary even though I was demoted and there's a reason why Bolli had no issue with giving me the rank of Helper, because this is after all a community I care for.
@Speedy I haven't played that much until EvoCity was on the server, simply because I didn't have time.

I've started playing again because I wanted to come back and the server has interested me in coming back. I've been told that if I misbehave I will be demoted and lose my rank, obviously I wouldn't want to do this since I'm here to help out?
kinda sucks we need a helper role when we have normal players that know just as much as helpers
Hey Code Monkey!

So the general idea around this rank, was to give community members who don't want to donate a bunch of spare time the chance to help out whenever they can. This rank is also applicable for those who play more regularly, but don't want the pressure of quotas and activity requirements. Helpers are essentially seasoned community members that can assist in combating toxicity in the community, minor rule infringements and can help out with a few other things from time to time. The argument that "staff members should do this anyway" is fair, but there's no harm in allowing those who wish to volunteer their time now and again, to relieve some pressure of staff members who are dealing with more complex situations. This is also a good place for some ex-staff members to sit, rather than them taking up a full staff role whilst being very inactive.

Senior Moderator:
I'm not really fussed about this one, but IMO it makes sense to add another stepping stone for staff members to reach - Staff members are often demotivated after a while of playing, so I assume that's why this rank was added. I believe this rank will only make sense to work toward, if there's a few more perks added to motivate people to reach it. Keep in mind that there's very few extra responsibilities added with this role, it's essentially the same as Moderator, it's just something to acknowledge people's lengthy tenure or experience. The way I see it, Senior Mods/Mods are the same with the added difference of players being able to see those who might have more experience in their roles.

There's obviously room for improvement, I tried to make it very clear in my post that all of this is subject to change if it isn't working as well as we want it to. It's my role to ensure that you guys are happy and that both large and small changes are effective and work well. Like I also said in my post, we also need an openness for change from the community too, so please do give new things a chance to see how they play out.

I'll be hosting a community Q&A in the upcoming week, so you guys can get direct answers from me, the development team and Senior Administration on the future of this community.

I hope I've answered your questions/concerns!
Hey @Ayjay. Thanks for the informative reply. I think you may have missed the portion where a bunch of people feel they shouldn’t be considered staff, rather just a “helper” to the server. You can see all of the positive ratings to support my opinion. I am all for waiting it out for a week or so but I really feel they shouldn’t be staff members. Thanks again for the reply!
We can consider them helpers of the server rather than staff if you like, their role is fundamentally different from our Enforcers so that'd make sense - It's a great place for those who want to jump into a staff role to start from, since they can develop knowledge of somewhat enforcing rules and helping out a little.

The role of Helpers wouldn't change, regardless of them being labeled 'staff' or not - At least not with their current responsibilities.
@Ayjay I do not believe they should be given the same leeway as staff. 3 complaints before demotion. I am wondering the same thing as Husky.