Community Suggestion Helper ranks.

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Suggestion Title: Helper ranks.
Suggestion Description: The idea here is to add helper ranks.

The helper team is currently a part of the “Community” team, the only ranks within this team however are developers, Helpers and Community Managers.

In order to keep helpers around and not have them Jump ship to enforcer inevitably, Adding ranks to progress towards and downgrade to may help retain the helpers from jumping to more permissions.

Ideas for ranks include:
- Junior helper: Ideally, this would be the probation rank for helpers. They would just get the SCAM Menu for HandS reports.
- Helper: Current rank with all the existing permissions.
- Senior helper: Grants them access to Noclip, demote, Force sell, force surrender, bring, goto, and return. Should also hold job, Voice chat and text chat blacklist.
- Head helper: Should hold some enforcer permissions like kick, as well as grant extended props and admin chat. Would be in charge of helpers essentially, weighing in on helper applications and being a part of the decision of accepting or denying them, as well as possibly looking into helper complaints maybe?

Why should this be added?:
- The helpers can be a staff team with opportunities for progression without having to jump ship to enforcer when they want to progress.
- Viable candidates to fill all these positions exist already.
- More permissions so helpers can do HandS reports that currently may only be fulfilled by enforcers, such as situations you’d need to teleport to, such as people being stuck on chairs.

What negatives could this have?:
- More ranks?
Also an extra idea would be to give Senior helper the ability to rename people, when I was helper I had so many situations with people with random/weird names while not being able to do anything about it.

Also, maybe make it so the ranks are only on the background and not visible on tab. Seeing as all helpers should still be equal imo but maybe have some with more permissions indeed!
Also an extra idea would be to give Senior helper the ability to rename people, when I was helper I had so many situations with people with random/weird names while not being able to do anything about it.
They can now I believe
Is this just not more reforming the helper team into a mini staff team though?
Is this just not more reforming the helper team into a mini staff team though?
It would certainly help with the amount of reports that staff have to deal with that could also be done by a helper with the right permissions.

Making it so staff (enforcers/mods etc) can actually focus on enforcing rules, and helpers can do more when it comes to helping.
Having helpers do minor admin tasks like force surrender and name change is perfect to reduce the workload on the staff team. there's usually more helpers than staff so Stuff like this can be more easily resolved. It can further reduce the workload on staff as you need much more Trust in moderators than helpers because of their powers. Helpers are easier to recruit too. I support this!
I encourage the helpers to voice their opinion here if someone doesn’t mind tagging all of them that would be appreciated as I’m on my phone
I encourage the helpers to voice their opinion here if someone doesn’t mind tagging all of them that would be appreciated as I’m on my phone
I'm not against it but I'm not exactly for it as well, helper was always a clear cut line from staff and this seems to make them more like staff so we need to decide if helpers are closer to staff or no,
again this isn't exactly a bad thing especially for the helpers that are currently going for enforcer
This would be amazing, there have been many times where there are only Helpers on, and they can't no-clip to people to help them out. It would be amazing if we had no-clip and physgun access to other peoples' props. A lot of people tend to get stuck in chairs or cars, and we can't do much to help them out.

If there's any way I could possibly help to implement this, I would love to help.

Elvy for head of Helpers?
I don't know if we need 4 helper ranks, but a Junior and Senior helper or smt as such is a good idea, especially given how the current staff team has to deal with stuff that, in reality, shouldn't be their problem to deal with (stuck cars, props laying around and such). It is definetly a helper-thing to deal with and staff shouldn't waste their limited time on that. So I agree that several ranks of helper, a senior one with more permissions, is a good idea.

It goes without saying such permissions shouldn't be "Ban someone" as a helper is still not meant to enforce rules, but it should have certain permissions, like moving everyone's props/cars, sending props back to storage and noclipping/teleporting to people who are stuck.
I think it would be nice to be able to send props to storage. There always lot of reports about sending props to storage, from people selling properties to random props floating around Bazaar. I also agree with Lamby, about being able to get to people quickly via noclip. As sometimes I resort to driving to them.

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