Server Suggestion Heroin

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Suggestion Title: Heroin
Suggestion Description: Poppy Plant that can be grown in Advanced Planters and also can be turned into Heroin.

Why should this be added?:
- I believe that there should be a bit more drugs inside the server, especially growable drugs that needs to be cooked.
Some people might think this is a dumb idea but i don't. I think it would be better to add Heroin as there has been chemtables for some time now and cooking Heroin instead of Meth could also be a good idea.

If this was to be added, i think that it should take atleast 10 more minutes than Coca Plants to grow while in a Basic Planter due to Heroin being a very valuable drug in real life. It could also be cooked with quinine or fentanyl on a chemtable if those ingredients was to be added by the developers.

Also make it so theres a higher chance of overdosing if using fentanyl to make the Heroin as fentanyl causes alot of overdoses in real life.

What negatives could this have?:
- Someone will probably be a bit mad over this sounds alot like Cocaine and Meth but a much longer time to do, i do not see the problem in that tho.
It could also anger some people about too many drugs but i still believe it's a great idea, i don't really see any negatives about this suggestion than it could anger some people about too many drugs and time to produce but feel free to comment what negatives it could have.
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who doesn't enjoy a lil chip of brown brown after a long day in the coal mines? i'm shootin up right now; shit feels good mang

maybe it could have a secondary use as a really strong medkit with a chance of overdose or something. it was originally a pharmaceutical painkiller after all

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